Hi, get a issue, sending message shows that every thing went well but the receiver din't get the notification.
from push_notifications.gcm import send_message
# target is the user and device_id is the token received from the mobile
{'Message': [f'User {request.user} send a friend request']},
# response
{'multicast_id': 8075165042107727806, 'success': 1, 'failure': 0, 'canonical_ids': 0, 'results': [{'message_id': '0:1577698440016169%6afcf2daf9fd7ecd'}]}
response with success but mobile din't get the message
but if I send a bulk notification receivers get's their messages
for ids in device_ids:
send_bulk_message(ids.device_id, {'message':
f'You where invited to {}'}, 'FCM')
Any idea?