Hi exports.
I am in the troble with django-redis.
I use django-redis version django-redis>=5.0.0,<5.1.0.
and I make docker image with django application.
and I try to connect to redis-sentinel.
but the django application just return the error like below.
ERROR - create_cache: AUTH <password> called without any password configured for the default user. Are you sure your configuration is correct?
here is the my
# redis connection factory
DJANGO_REDIS_CONNECTION_FACTORY = 'django_redis.pool.SentinelConnectionFactory'
# These sentinels are shared between all the examples, and are passed
# directly to redis Sentinel. These can also be defined inline.
(env('REDIS_SENTINEL_IP_1'), 26379),
(env('REDIS_SENTINEL_IP_2'), 26379),
(env('REDIS_SENTINEL_IP_3'), 26379)
"default": {
# THE HOSTNAME IN LOCATION is the primary (service/master) name
# example : redis://dev-redis/db
# example : redis://staging-redis/db
# django_redis.client.SentinelClient
"CONNECTION_POOL_CLASS": "redis.sentinel.SentinelConnectionPool",
"KEY_PREFIX": "mapsvc"
How can I connect with redis-sentinel???
the redis version
# Server
Please help me.
- plus. I tried django-redis version 5.2.0 and the same error comes..
+environment explane
I am in the kubernetes cluster.
the redis-sentinel is the 3 node out of the kubernetes cluster.
but it can connect redis-sentinel's node and kubernetes pod.
I tried redis-cli -h {master-ip} -p 6379 -a {password}
in the redis pod and I can connect to redis.
when I tried in other kubernetes cluster a month before.
I used helm to install redis-sentinel.
and that time I can easilly connect to redis-sentinel in django.
but can't not this time.