i am implementing django-redis in my django 3.2.16 website. I do not use the session backend but i cache, specific, bigger queries from my postgreSQL database and some GEOjson data. So far it works "blazingly fast" in my development setup.
1.) my question is:
Does make the pooling option sense for a small website?
For instance i am currently have this option
"default": {
"BACKEND": "django_redis.cache.RedisCache",
"LOCATION": "redis://<redis-or-docker-ip>:<port>/<redis-db-number>",
"CLIENT_CLASS": "django_redis.client.HerdClient", # set herd Class
"PASSWORD": "password-here",
"CONNECTION_POOL_KWARGS": {"max_connections": 10, "retry_on_timeout": True}
My production django site is served by uwsgi with up to max 3 workers and each worker can have 2 threads. However the views and django app is still synchronous. So if each worker initialize a new Django instance it would mean 30 redis connections? Yet each worker probably only uses 1 redis connection?
2.) my question is:
Set key in pooling via client or cache?
In the moment is set new keys and values via cache.set()
do i have to use get_redis_connection("default").set()
if i use Pooling?