Currently, the only way to prune the database of old tokens in the blacklist app is to run a command. It's simple if you have a cron job or celery to run Django's call_command
However, if you take into consideration most users will be following a practice of
- obtaining both tokens
- refreshing the access token
- refresh token eventually expires, the frontend is told that it has expired, and, if user credentials are saved, repeat from step 1.
During step 3, if the refresh token is valid / is just simply expired, then we can send a delete op to the db to prune it. This doesn't resolve the problem of the frontend itself deleting its tokens saved on its keychains/cookies or clients who delete the app and thus a refresh token is never sent. Ofc, the workaround is to always prune on every new expiration (don't think it'd be a good idea for the obtain view). Thoughts?