diff --git a/Mono.Cecil/ModuleDefinition.cs b/Mono.Cecil/ModuleDefinition.cs
index 22daecb9b..0b60c1fce 100644
--- a/Mono.Cecil/ModuleDefinition.cs
+++ b/Mono.Cecil/ModuleDefinition.cs
@@ -854,6 +854,106 @@ public TypeReference ImportReference (TypeReference type, IGenericParameterProvi
return MetadataImporter.ImportReference (type, context);
+ ///
+ /// Create a GenericInstanceType for the given generic type instantiated with the given generic arguments.
+ ///
+ /// The generic type to instantiate.
+ /// The generic arguments needed to instantiate the generic type.
+ ///
+ public GenericInstanceType ImportGenericTypeInstance (TypeReference genericType, params TypeReference [] genericArgs)
+ {
+ TypeReference typeDef = genericType.Resolve ();
+ if (!typeDef.HasGenericParameters) {
+ throw new InvalidOperationException (string.Format ("Type {0} is not generic", genericType));
+ }
+ typeDef = this.ImportReference (typeDef);
+ var instance = new GenericInstanceType (typeDef);
+ for (int i = 0; i < typeDef.GenericParameters.Count; i++) {
+ var p = typeDef.GenericParameters [i];
+ if (p.Position < genericArgs.Length) {
+ GenericParameter parameter = new GenericParameter (p.Name, typeDef);
+ instance.GenericParameters.Add (parameter);
+ instance.GenericArguments.Add (genericArgs [p.Position]);
+ } else {
+ throw new InvalidOperationException (string.Format ("Not enough generic arguments to instantiate type {0}", genericType));
+ }
+ }
+ return instance;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Create a GenericInstanceMethod from the given generic method and the given generic arguments.
+ /// Note: this can also handle the case where the DeclaringType is also generic. Simply pass the combined
+ /// generic args for the declaring type and the method.
+ ///
+ /// A generic method to instantiate.
+ /// The combined generic arguments for the declaring type (if it is generic) and for the method.
+ ///
+ public MethodReference ImportGenericMethodInstance (MethodReference genericMethod, params TypeReference [] genericArgs)
+ {
+ var methodDef = genericMethod.Resolve ();
+ TypeReference typeDef = methodDef.DeclaringType;
+ var genericArgOffset = 0;
+ GenericInstanceType typeInstance = null;
+ if (typeDef.HasGenericParameters) {
+ typeInstance = this.ImportGenericTypeInstance (typeDef, genericArgs);
+ typeDef = typeInstance;
+ genericArgOffset = typeInstance.GenericArguments.Count;
+ }
+ TypeReference returnType = methodDef.ReturnType;
+ // create a new MethodReference with the instantiated generic type as the DeclaringType.
+ MethodReference result = new MethodReference (genericMethod.Name, returnType, typeDef) {
+ HasThis = genericMethod.HasThis,
+ ExplicitThis = genericMethod.ExplicitThis,
+ CallingConvention = genericMethod.CallingConvention
+ };
+ GenericInstanceMethod genericMethodInstance = null;
+ if (methodDef.HasGenericParameters) {
+ // Then we also need to instantiate the generic method!
+ genericMethodInstance = new GenericInstanceMethod (result);
+ for (int i = 0; i < methodDef.GenericParameters.Count; i++) {
+ var p = methodDef.GenericParameters [i];
+ var j = p.Position + genericArgOffset;
+ if (j > genericArgs.Length) {
+ throw new InvalidOperationException (string.Format ("Not enough generic arguments to instantiate method {0}", genericMethod));
+ }
+ GenericParameter parameter = new GenericParameter (p.Name, genericMethodInstance);
+ result.GenericParameters.Add (parameter);
+ genericMethodInstance.GenericParameters.Add (parameter);
+ genericMethodInstance.GenericArguments.Add (genericArgs [j]);
+ }
+ result = genericMethodInstance;
+ }
+ foreach (var arg in genericMethod.Parameters) {
+ ParameterDefinition p = new ParameterDefinition (arg.Name, arg.Attributes,
+ this.ImportReference (arg.ParameterType, typeDef));
+ if (arg.ParameterType is GenericParameter gp) {
+ if (gp.DeclaringType != null) {
+ p.ParameterType = typeInstance.GenericParameters [gp.Position];
+ } else if (gp.DeclaringMethod != null) {
+ p.ParameterType = genericMethodInstance.GenericParameters [gp.Position];
+ }
+ }
+ result.Parameters.Add (p);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
[Obsolete ("Use ImportReference", error: false)]
public FieldReference Import (FieldReference field)