Tooling for Docker brings the support for managing containers inside Eclipse IDE. This feature is part of the Linux Tools project at Eclipse and ships with JBoss Tools and JBoss Developer Studio. The goal of the Docker tooling is to integrate all the CLI features relevant for developers who want to build and deploy applications on containers.
The Connection
wizard support both Unix sockets and REST API to connect to a
Docker engine. The wizard requires a unique name to identify the connection and
checks the required permissions on the Unix socket and on the path to the certificates
for TCP connections.
The Docker Containers
view displays the same information that appears when using the
docker ps
or docker ps -a
commands in a terminal. This table view lists all the containers
or only the active ones, showing their id, image name, date of creation, run command, exposed ports
and status.
The Run Image
wizard lets users run an image by passing the most relevant arguments in the context of a developer machine:
the name of the container (although this is optional)
the exposed ports (the table is prepopulated with port numbers retrieved from the selected Image information)
the links to containers
the data volume
the environment variables
The Pull Image
wizard can be launched from the Docker Images
or from the Docker Explorer
view. The wizard detects the tag in the image name
and if none is specified, the image tagged latest
is pulled. The companion Search
lets the user find the tagged image to pull from Docker Hub.