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Discover the new OpenShift

openshift3 create app

JBoss Tools presents the OpenShift tooling for Eclipse. Installable from JBoss Central, it will allow you to connect to OpenShift servers using OAuth or Basic authentication, manage your OpenShift Projects, deploy new applications in the Cloud, using pre-defined (or your own) templates, or even Docker images. You will be able to import existing applications in your workspace, monitor them via remote log streaming directly into your local console, or enable Port-Forwarding and access their data as if it was local.

OpenShift Explorer View

The embedded Web Console.

features openshift explorerview reduced

The OpenShift Explorer View lets you connect to OpenShift instances, create new applications, manage domains or projects, execute action such as Port-Forwarding and Tail Files (Log Streaming). For OpenShift, you can access Pods, Routes, Services and deploy Docker images.

Server Adapter

Almost like a local server

features openshift serversview reduced

The OpenShift 3 Server Adapter lets you publish your code changes in a single click. It relies on rsync to perform the synchronization operations in background. It also gives you access to actions such as 'Tail Files' and 'Port Forwarding'.


Feels like home.

features openshift portforwarding reduced

Port-forwarding lets you bind ports on your local machine to ports on remote OpenShift services, using secure communications. You can then connect to local port for data access or application debugging.

Tail Files

Streaming the logs.

features openshift tailfiles reduced

With OpenShift tooling, you can 'tail' log files, which are streamed live into the Eclipse Console.

Webhook build triggers

Push to build!

openshift3 webhook

OpenShift is capable of accessing remote Git repositories. You can easily install Webhook build triggers to your GitHub or your company’s Git repository, as long as OpenShift can access it. Redeploying your application is as simple as pushing your changes to your canonical Git repository, a new build will automatically be triggered.

Docker integration

Deploy Docker images on OpenShift

The default application templates provide a good starting point to bootstrap an application, but if you need more customization, you can choose to deploy Docker images to OpenShift, directly from either the Docker or OpenShift Explorer.

deploy image menu

CDK integration

Start/stop CDK from the IDE

A new server adapter has been added to support the next generation of CDK 3. While the server adapter itself has limited functionality, it is able to start and stop the CDK virtual machine via its minishift binary. Simply hit Ctrl+3 (Cmd+3 on OSX) and type CDK, that will bring up a command to setup and/or launch the CDK server adapter.

cdk3 server adapter2