SwitchYard is a component-based development framework focused on building structured, maintainable services and applications using the concepts and best practices of SOA. It works with Apache Camel to provide a fast, simple, flexible integration runtime with comprehensive connectivity and transports. A uniform application model augments Apache Camel, joining Java EE, BPM, rules, orchestration, and routing into a cohesive development model and runtime. Common functionality and cross-cutting concerns - validation, transformation and policy - are isolated from business logic and handled declaratively. This ensures consistency and eliminates duplication, offering developers a clear view of the structure and relationships of services in an integration application.
For full details, checkout the SwitchYard project home page.
If you just want to get cracking, check out our tutorial.
Use the SwitchYard project wizard to create a Maven based project that can be configured to use various components like CDI, jBPM, Drools, BPEL and Camel routes, as well as a variety of endpoint types including: SOAP, REST, HTTP, file, mail, JMS, JCA, S/FTP, JPA, SQL, TCP/UDP and more.
It’s easy to add SwitchYard support to existing Maven projects, as well as updating the capabilities (e.g. CDI, BPM, SOAP, FTP, etc.) used on your project. The SwitchYard project validator will let you know if your project is missing a capability or if any specified capabilities are superfluous (based on features used in your project).
The SwitchYard editor makes it easy to manage the configuration of your application, providing the following features:
Creation and configuration of components, services and references.
Component service/reference promotion and configuration of gateway bindings.
Creation of implementation skeletons for new service components (e.g. bean classes, BPMN2 files, DRL files, etc.).
Creation of unit test skeletons for services.
Configuration of message transformers, including creation of implementation skeletons for message transformers (e.g. XSL, Java, etc.).
Creation of Artifact references.
Easily generate test stubs for all your services using the new service test wizard, which is easily accessible on the tool pad for any service or reference in the SwitchYard editor.
package com.example.switchyard.example;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.switchyard.component.test.mixins.cdi.CDIMixIn;
import org.switchyard.test.Invoker;
import org.switchyard.test.ServiceOperation;
import org.switchyard.test.SwitchYardRunner;
import org.switchyard.test.SwitchYardTestCaseConfig;
import org.switchyard.test.SwitchYardTestKit;
@SwitchYardTestCaseConfig(config = SwitchYardTestCaseConfig.SWITCHYARD_XML, mixins = { CDIMixIn.class })
public class ExampleServiceTest {
private SwitchYardTestKit testKit;
private CDIMixIn cdiMixIn;
private Invoker service;
public void testSayHello() throws Exception {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
// initialize your test message
String message = "Bob";
String result = service.operation("sayHello").sendInOut(message)
// validate the results
Assert.assertTrue("Hello, Bob".equals(result));
- Java2WSDL and WSDL2Java
Easily integrate Java and WSDL based interfaces using the handy wizards and built-in support for JAXB.
- XML catalog support
Providing workspace access to all SwitchYard schemas.
- Maven integration
No need to add exclusions for the SwitchYard configure mojo.
- Workspace deployment
Deploy your projects right from the workspace (requires WildFly/EAP server with SwitchYard/Fuse Service Works installed)