I want to @-mention people from multiple different networks. Some will be Twitter, some will be Github, some will be Instagram, some will be MicroBlog.
This could either be done at least two different ways. One is per page / post -- e.g. jekyll-mentions:, as mentioned elsewhere, as front matter.
But, I'd like it to be done identity centric. So, I can maintain a _data/mentions.json
file that looks like this:
"@boris": { "network": "" },
"@bmann": { "network": ""},
"@borismann": { "link": "" }
If the @-mention is not in this file, then the default global mention of twitter or whatever is used, otherwise the network defined is used.
In the example, I've also made a link item, rather than a network, to indicate that that @-mention goes directly to a link (so, "borismann" is wrapped in a link tag to that URL, without appending the @-mentioned name).