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[BUG] Can't run test multiple times #1209



Describe the bug
A lot of times i can run a single test in a suite just one or two times, that i always received must re run the entire suite otherwise my test is marked as skipped.

Expected behavior
The test must run every time


  • vscode-jest: 6.4.0
  • node -v: 18.20.4
  • npm -v: 10.7.0
  • jest: 29.3.1
  • Operating system: MacOS 15.1.1


  • are you able to run jest from the command line? yes
  • where do you run jest CLI from? root
  • how do you run your tests from the command line? npm run test --ignore-scripts

Additional context
I'm working on a monorepo managed by lerna


TestRun "[AppTask] run tests: orta.vscode-jest:TestProvider:AppTask:74 (0)" started

> test
> jest --no-cache --testLocationInResults --json --useStderr --outputFile /var/folders/hj/l5q1_fdd54zdtg2lnf9xjxrr0000gn/T/jest_runner_apptask_501_2.json --testNamePattern \$\{usePrefetchBlobUrl\.name\}\(\) when fetching blob should not abort current operation when abort is trigger on previous when control changes$ --no-coverage --reporters default --reporters /Users/Andrea.Mauri/.vscode/extensions/orta.vscode-jest-6.4.0/out/reporter.js --colors --watchAll=false --testPathPattern /Users/Andrea\.Mauri/Projects/data-engine/src/hooks/__tests__/usePrefetchBlobUrl\.test\.tsx

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "reporters" with value ["jest-spec-reporter", ["jest-html-reporters", {"dataMergeLevel": 1, "enableMergeData": true, "filename": "report.html", "publicPath": "<rootDir>/reports"}], ["jest-junit", {"outputDirectory": "<rootDir>/reports", "outputName": "TEST-junit.xml"}]] was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "passWithNoTests" with value true was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "reporters" with value ["jest-spec-reporter", ["jest-html-reporters", {"dataMergeLevel": 1, "enableMergeData": true, "filename": "report.html", "publicPath": "<rootDir>/reports"}], ["jest-junit", {"outputDirectory": "<rootDir>/reports", "outputName": "TEST-junit.xml"}]] was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "passWithNoTests" with value true was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "reporters" with value ["jest-spec-reporter", ["jest-html-reporters", {"dataMergeLevel": 1, "enableMergeData": true, "filename": "report.html", "publicPath": "<rootDir>/reports"}], ["jest-junit", {"outputDirectory": "<rootDir>/reports", "outputName": "TEST-junit.xml"}]] was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "passWithNoTests" with value true was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "reporters" with value ["jest-spec-reporter", ["jest-html-reporters", {"dataMergeLevel": 1, "enableMergeData": true, "filename": "report.html", "publicPath": "<rootDir>/reports"}], ["jest-junit", {"outputDirectory": "<rootDir>/reports", "outputName": "TEST-junit.xml"}]] was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "passWithNoTests" with value true was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "reporters" with value ["jest-spec-reporter", ["jest-html-reporters", {"dataMergeLevel": 1, "enableMergeData": true, "filename": "report.html", "publicPath": "<rootDir>/reports"}], ["jest-junit", {"outputDirectory": "<rootDir>/reports", "outputName": "TEST-junit.xml"}]] was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "passWithNoTests" with value true was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "reporters" with value ["jest-spec-reporter", ["jest-html-reporters", {"dataMergeLevel": 1, "enableMergeData": true, "filename": "report.html", "publicPath": "<rootDir>/reports"}], ["jest-junit", {"outputDirectory": "<rootDir>/reports", "outputName": "TEST-junit.xml"}]] was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "passWithNoTests" with value true was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "reporters" with value ["jest-spec-reporter", ["jest-html-reporters", {"dataMergeLevel": 1, "enableMergeData": true, "filename": "report.html", "publicPath": "<rootDir>/reports"}], ["jest-junit", {"outputDirectory": "<rootDir>/reports", "outputName": "TEST-junit.xml"}]] was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "passWithNoTests" with value true was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "reporters" with value ["jest-spec-reporter", ["jest-html-reporters", {"dataMergeLevel": 1, "enableMergeData": true, "filename": "report.html", "publicPath": "<rootDir>/reports"}], ["jest-junit", {"outputDirectory": "<rootDir>/reports", "outputName": "TEST-junit.xml"}]] was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "passWithNoTests" with value true was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "reporters" with value ["jest-spec-reporter", ["jest-html-reporters", {"dataMergeLevel": 1, "enableMergeData": true, "filename": "report.html", "publicPath": "<rootDir>/reports"}], ["jest-junit", {"outputDirectory": "<rootDir>/reports", "outputName": "TEST-junit.xml"}]] was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "passWithNoTests" with value true was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "reporters" with value ["jest-spec-reporter", ["jest-html-reporters", {"dataMergeLevel": 1, "enableMergeData": true, "filename": "report.html", "publicPath": "<rootDir>/reports"}], ["jest-junit", {"outputDirectory": "<rootDir>/reports", "outputName": "TEST-junit.xml"}]] was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "passWithNoTests" with value true was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "reporters" with value ["jest-spec-reporter", ["jest-html-reporters", {"dataMergeLevel": 1, "enableMergeData": true, "filename": "report.html", "publicPath": "<rootDir>/reports"}], ["jest-junit", {"outputDirectory": "<rootDir>/reports", "outputName": "TEST-junit.xml"}]] was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "passWithNoTests" with value true was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "reporters" with value ["jest-spec-reporter", ["jest-html-reporters", {"dataMergeLevel": 1, "enableMergeData": true, "filename": "report.html", "publicPath": "<rootDir>/reports"}], ["jest-junit", {"outputDirectory": "<rootDir>/reports", "outputName": "TEST-junit.xml"}]] was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "passWithNoTests" with value true was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "reporters" with value ["jest-spec-reporter", ["jest-html-reporters", {"dataMergeLevel": 1, "enableMergeData": true, "filename": "report.html", "publicPath": "<rootDir>/reports"}], ["jest-junit", {"outputDirectory": "<rootDir>/reports", "outputName": "TEST-junit.xml"}]] was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "passWithNoTests" with value true was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "reporters" with value ["jest-spec-reporter", ["jest-html-reporters", {"dataMergeLevel": 1, "enableMergeData": true, "filename": "report.html", "publicPath": "<rootDir>/reports"}], ["jest-junit", {"outputDirectory": "<rootDir>/reports", "outputName": "TEST-junit.xml"}]] was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "passWithNoTests" with value true was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "reporters" with value ["jest-spec-reporter", ["jest-html-reporters", {"dataMergeLevel": 1, "enableMergeData": true, "filename": "report.html", "publicPath": "<rootDir>/reports"}], ["jest-junit", {"outputDirectory": "<rootDir>/reports", "outputName": "TEST-junit.xml"}]] was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "passWithNoTests" with value true was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "reporters" with value ["jest-spec-reporter", ["jest-html-reporters", {"dataMergeLevel": 1, "enableMergeData": true, "filename": "report.html", "publicPath": "<rootDir>/reports"}], ["jest-junit", {"outputDirectory": "<rootDir>/reports", "outputName": "TEST-junit.xml"}]] was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "passWithNoTests" with value true was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "reporters" with value ["jest-spec-reporter", ["jest-html-reporters", {"dataMergeLevel": 1, "enableMergeData": true, "filename": "report.html", "publicPath": "<rootDir>/reports"}], ["jest-junit", {"outputDirectory": "<rootDir>/reports", "outputName": "TEST-junit.xml"}]] was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "passWithNoTests" with value true was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "reporters" with value ["jest-spec-reporter", ["jest-html-reporters", {"dataMergeLevel": 1, "enableMergeData": true, "filename": "report.html", "publicPath": "<rootDir>/reports"}], ["jest-junit", {"outputDirectory": "<rootDir>/reports", "outputName": "TEST-junit.xml"}]] was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "passWithNoTests" with value true was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "projects" with value ["./packages/*", "./features/*", "./views/*", "./mfe/*"] was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "reporters" with value ["jest-spec-reporter", ["jest-html-reporters", {"dataMergeLevel": 1, "enableMergeData": true, "filename": "report.html", "publicPath": "<rootDir>/reports"}], ["jest-junit", {"outputDirectory": "<rootDir>/reports", "outputName": "TEST-junit.xml"}]] was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "passWithNoTests" with value true was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "reporters" with value ["jest-spec-reporter", ["jest-html-reporters", {"dataMergeLevel": 1, "enableMergeData": true, "filename": "report.html", "publicPath": "<rootDir>/reports"}], ["jest-junit", {"outputDirectory": "<rootDir>/reports", "outputName": "TEST-junit.xml"}]] was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "passWithNoTests" with value true was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "reporters" with value ["jest-spec-reporter", ["jest-html-reporters", {"dataMergeLevel": 1, "enableMergeData": true, "filename": "report.html", "publicPath": "<rootDir>/reports"}], ["jest-junit", {"outputDirectory": "<rootDir>/reports", "outputName": "TEST-junit.xml"}]] was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "passWithNoTests" with value true was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "reporters" with value ["jest-spec-reporter", ["jest-html-reporters", {"dataMergeLevel": 1, "enableMergeData": true, "filename": "report.html", "publicPath": "<rootDir>/reports"}], ["jest-junit", {"outputDirectory": "<rootDir>/reports", "outputName": "TEST-junit.xml"}]] was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "passWithNoTests" with value true was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "reporters" with value ["jest-spec-reporter", ["jest-html-reporters", {"dataMergeLevel": 1, "enableMergeData": true, "filename": "report.html", "publicPath": "<rootDir>/reports"}], ["jest-junit", {"outputDirectory": "<rootDir>/reports", "outputName": "TEST-junit.xml"}]] was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "passWithNoTests" with value true was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "reporters" with value ["jest-spec-reporter", ["jest-html-reporters", {"dataMergeLevel": 1, "enableMergeData": true, "filename": "report.html", "publicPath": "<rootDir>/reports"}], ["jest-junit", {"outputDirectory": "<rootDir>/reports", "outputName": "TEST-junit.xml"}]] was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "passWithNoTests" with value true was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

Test Suites: 1 skipped, 0 of 1 total
Tests:       6 skipped, 6 total
Snapshots:   0 total
Time:        3.461 s
Ran all test suites matching /\/Users\/Andrea\.Mauri\/Projects\/features\/data-engine\/src\/hooks\/__tests__\/usePrefetchBlobUrl\.test\.tsx/i with tests matching "\$\{usePrefetchBlobUrl\.name\}\(\) when fetching blob should not abort current operation when abort is trigger on previous when control changes$".
TestRun "[AppTask] run tests: orta.vscode-jest:TestProvider:AppTask:74 (0)" started

> test
> jest --no-cache --testLocationInResults --json --useStderr --outputFile /var/folders/hj/l5q1_fdd54zdtg2lnf9xjxrr0000gn/T/jest_runner_apptask_501_2.json --testNamePattern \$\{usePrefetchBlobUrl\.name\}\(\) when fetching blob should not abort current operation when abort is trigger on previous when control changes$ --no-coverage --reporters default --reporters /Users/Andrea.Mauri/.vscode/extensions/orta.vscode-jest-6.4.0/out/reporter.js --colors --watchAll=false --testPathPattern /Users/Andrea\.Mauri/Projects/features/data-engine/src/hooks/__tests__/usePrefetchBlobUrl\.test\.tsx

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "reporters" with value ["jest-spec-reporter", ["jest-html-reporters", {"dataMergeLevel": 1, "enableMergeData": true, "filename": "report.html", "publicPath": "<rootDir>/reports"}], ["jest-junit", {"outputDirectory": "<rootDir>/reports", "outputName": "TEST-junit.xml"}]] was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "passWithNoTests" with value true was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "reporters" with value ["jest-spec-reporter", ["jest-html-reporters", {"dataMergeLevel": 1, "enableMergeData": true, "filename": "report.html", "publicPath": "<rootDir>/reports"}], ["jest-junit", {"outputDirectory": "<rootDir>/reports", "outputName": "TEST-junit.xml"}]] was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "passWithNoTests" with value true was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "reporters" with value ["jest-spec-reporter", ["jest-html-reporters", {"dataMergeLevel": 1, "enableMergeData": true, "filename": "report.html", "publicPath": "<rootDir>/reports"}], ["jest-junit", {"outputDirectory": "<rootDir>/reports", "outputName": "TEST-junit.xml"}]] was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "passWithNoTests" with value true was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "reporters" with value ["jest-spec-reporter", ["jest-html-reporters", {"dataMergeLevel": 1, "enableMergeData": true, "filename": "report.html", "publicPath": "<rootDir>/reports"}], ["jest-junit", {"outputDirectory": "<rootDir>/reports", "outputName": "TEST-junit.xml"}]] was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "passWithNoTests" with value true was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "reporters" with value ["jest-spec-reporter", ["jest-html-reporters", {"dataMergeLevel": 1, "enableMergeData": true, "filename": "report.html", "publicPath": "<rootDir>/reports"}], ["jest-junit", {"outputDirectory": "<rootDir>/reports", "outputName": "TEST-junit.xml"}]] was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "passWithNoTests" with value true was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "reporters" with value ["jest-spec-reporter", ["jest-html-reporters", {"dataMergeLevel": 1, "enableMergeData": true, "filename": "report.html", "publicPath": "<rootDir>/reports"}], ["jest-junit", {"outputDirectory": "<rootDir>/reports", "outputName": "TEST-junit.xml"}]] was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "passWithNoTests" with value true was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "reporters" with value ["jest-spec-reporter", ["jest-html-reporters", {"dataMergeLevel": 1, "enableMergeData": true, "filename": "report.html", "publicPath": "<rootDir>/reports"}], ["jest-junit", {"outputDirectory": "<rootDir>/reports", "outputName": "TEST-junit.xml"}]] was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "passWithNoTests" with value true was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "reporters" with value ["jest-spec-reporter", ["jest-html-reporters", {"dataMergeLevel": 1, "enableMergeData": true, "filename": "report.html", "publicPath": "<rootDir>/reports"}], ["jest-junit", {"outputDirectory": "<rootDir>/reports", "outputName": "TEST-junit.xml"}]] was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "passWithNoTests" with value true was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "reporters" with value ["jest-spec-reporter", ["jest-html-reporters", {"dataMergeLevel": 1, "enableMergeData": true, "filename": "report.html", "publicPath": "<rootDir>/reports"}], ["jest-junit", {"outputDirectory": "<rootDir>/reports", "outputName": "TEST-junit.xml"}]] was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "passWithNoTests" with value true was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "reporters" with value ["jest-spec-reporter", ["jest-html-reporters", {"dataMergeLevel": 1, "enableMergeData": true, "filename": "report.html", "publicPath": "<rootDir>/reports"}], ["jest-junit", {"outputDirectory": "<rootDir>/reports", "outputName": "TEST-junit.xml"}]] was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "passWithNoTests" with value true was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "reporters" with value ["jest-spec-reporter", ["jest-html-reporters", {"dataMergeLevel": 1, "enableMergeData": true, "filename": "report.html", "publicPath": "<rootDir>/reports"}], ["jest-junit", {"outputDirectory": "<rootDir>/reports", "outputName": "TEST-junit.xml"}]] was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "passWithNoTests" with value true was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "reporters" with value ["jest-spec-reporter", ["jest-html-reporters", {"dataMergeLevel": 1, "enableMergeData": true, "filename": "report.html", "publicPath": "<rootDir>/reports"}], ["jest-junit", {"outputDirectory": "<rootDir>/reports", "outputName": "TEST-junit.xml"}]] was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "passWithNoTests" with value true was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "reporters" with value ["jest-spec-reporter", ["jest-html-reporters", {"dataMergeLevel": 1, "enableMergeData": true, "filename": "report.html", "publicPath": "<rootDir>/reports"}], ["jest-junit", {"outputDirectory": "<rootDir>/reports", "outputName": "TEST-junit.xml"}]] was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "passWithNoTests" with value true was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "reporters" with value ["jest-spec-reporter", ["jest-html-reporters", {"dataMergeLevel": 1, "enableMergeData": true, "filename": "report.html", "publicPath": "<rootDir>/reports"}], ["jest-junit", {"outputDirectory": "<rootDir>/reports", "outputName": "TEST-junit.xml"}]] was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "passWithNoTests" with value true was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "reporters" with value ["jest-spec-reporter", ["jest-html-reporters", {"dataMergeLevel": 1, "enableMergeData": true, "filename": "report.html", "publicPath": "<rootDir>/reports"}], ["jest-junit", {"outputDirectory": "<rootDir>/reports", "outputName": "TEST-junit.xml"}]] was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "passWithNoTests" with value true was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "reporters" with value ["jest-spec-reporter", ["jest-html-reporters", {"dataMergeLevel": 1, "enableMergeData": true, "filename": "report.html", "publicPath": "<rootDir>/reports"}], ["jest-junit", {"outputDirectory": "<rootDir>/reports", "outputName": "TEST-junit.xml"}]] was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "passWithNoTests" with value true was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "reporters" with value ["jest-spec-reporter", ["jest-html-reporters", {"dataMergeLevel": 1, "enableMergeData": true, "filename": "report.html", "publicPath": "<rootDir>/reports"}], ["jest-junit", {"outputDirectory": "<rootDir>/reports", "outputName": "TEST-junit.xml"}]] was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "passWithNoTests" with value true was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "reporters" with value ["jest-spec-reporter", ["jest-html-reporters", {"dataMergeLevel": 1, "enableMergeData": true, "filename": "report.html", "publicPath": "<rootDir>/reports"}], ["jest-junit", {"outputDirectory": "<rootDir>/reports", "outputName": "TEST-junit.xml"}]] was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "passWithNoTests" with value true was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "projects" with value ["./packages/*", "./features/*", "./views/*", "./mfe/*"] was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "reporters" with value ["jest-spec-reporter", ["jest-html-reporters", {"dataMergeLevel": 1, "enableMergeData": true, "filename": "report.html", "publicPath": "<rootDir>/reports"}], ["jest-junit", {"outputDirectory": "<rootDir>/reports", "outputName": "TEST-junit.xml"}]] was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "passWithNoTests" with value true was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "reporters" with value ["jest-spec-reporter", ["jest-html-reporters", {"dataMergeLevel": 1, "enableMergeData": true, "filename": "report.html", "publicPath": "<rootDir>/reports"}], ["jest-junit", {"outputDirectory": "<rootDir>/reports", "outputName": "TEST-junit.xml"}]] was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "passWithNoTests" with value true was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "reporters" with value ["jest-spec-reporter", ["jest-html-reporters", {"dataMergeLevel": 1, "enableMergeData": true, "filename": "report.html", "publicPath": "<rootDir>/reports"}], ["jest-junit", {"outputDirectory": "<rootDir>/reports", "outputName": "TEST-junit.xml"}]] was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "passWithNoTests" with value true was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "reporters" with value ["jest-spec-reporter", ["jest-html-reporters", {"dataMergeLevel": 1, "enableMergeData": true, "filename": "report.html", "publicPath": "<rootDir>/reports"}], ["jest-junit", {"outputDirectory": "<rootDir>/reports", "outputName": "TEST-junit.xml"}]] was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "passWithNoTests" with value true was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "reporters" with value ["jest-spec-reporter", ["jest-html-reporters", {"dataMergeLevel": 1, "enableMergeData": true, "filename": "report.html", "publicPath": "<rootDir>/reports"}], ["jest-junit", {"outputDirectory": "<rootDir>/reports", "outputName": "TEST-junit.xml"}]] was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "passWithNoTests" with value true was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "reporters" with value ["jest-spec-reporter", ["jest-html-reporters", {"dataMergeLevel": 1, "enableMergeData": true, "filename": "report.html", "publicPath": "<rootDir>/reports"}], ["jest-junit", {"outputDirectory": "<rootDir>/reports", "outputName": "TEST-junit.xml"}]] was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option "passWithNoTests" with value true was found.
  This is probably a typing mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Configuration Documentation:

Test Suites: 1 skipped, 0 of 1 total
Tests:       6 skipped, 6 total
Snapshots:   0 total
Time:        3.461 s
Ran all test suites matching /\/Users\/Andrea\.Mauri\/Projects\/features\/data-engine\/src\/hooks\/__tests__\/usePrefetchBlobUrl\.test\.tsx/i with tests matching "\$\{usePrefetchBlobUrl\.name\}\(\) when fetching blob should not abort current operation when abort is trigger on previous when control changes$".



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