🚀 Feature Proposal
Hey! 👋
As many have probably noticed, this repository has over 1500 open issues, and 150 open pull requests. I've tried in the last couple of weeks to do something about it, and while PRs have gone down from 200 (plus I've landed many new ones), the issues have been untouched. I've spot checked a few, and about half of them are no longer relevant (either due to old version of node, or just plain fixed in newer versions of Jest).
As mentioned a few times before, this project is 100% community driven, so any time spent is either taken away from work hours (which I've been guilty of the last couple of weeks 😅) or spare time/weekends/holidays. This makes it quite the chore to go through them all, and for the health of the project (and my own mental one), I think getting the number of open issues and PRs down is a good step towards making it easier to stay on top of new ones.
We've started locking old closed issues automatically, and we also have quite good issue templates that have increased the quality of both bug reports and feature requests. Both of these have helped, and I hope closing old stale issues will do the same!
That said, I understand it's frustrating to see your issue or PR you spent time putting together, and which might still be relevant, be closed as stale by some stupid bot. So feel free to provide feedback here in this issue if there's anything in the process we can improve! Just keep in mind there are unpaid humans behind this project (mostly a single human since summer), so if the solution is "get to the issue quicker" or "spend more time", that's not really scalable 🙂
Lastly, thanks for using Jest and reporting issues and sending PRs - I hope that by making the backlog more manageable the project will be easier to maintain going forward!
Lastly, please give the alpha releases of Jest v28 a try! 😀 yarn add jest@next