2 NC instances, both 29.0.7, set up as trusted federation shares.
Opening and editing office documents with collabora works fine. Even so shared .md files.
When trying to open a shared .drawio file I get:
"message":"Call to a member function getUID() on null in file '/var/www/virtual/MYSERVER/html/apps/drawio/lib/Controller/EditorController.php' line 284",
"userAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/",
"Message":"Call to a member function getUID() on null in file '/var/www/virtual/MYSERVER/html/apps/drawio/lib/Controller/EditorController.php' line 284",
"Message":"Call to a member function getUID() on null",
"Line":284},"message":"Call to a member function getUID() on null in file '/var/www/virtual/MYSERVER/html/apps/drawio/lib/Controller/EditorController.php' line 284",
"exception":{},"CustomMessage":"Call to a member function getUID() on null in file '/var/www/virtual/MYSERVER/html/apps/drawio/lib/Controller/EditorController.php' line 284"}}
"message":"Call to a member function getUID() on null in file '/var/www/virtual/MYSERVER/html/apps/drawio/lib/Controller/EditorController.php' line 357",
"userAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/",
"Message":"Call to a member function getUID() on null in file '/var/www/virtual/MYSERVER/html/apps/drawio/lib/Controller/EditorController.php' line 357",
"Message":"Call to a member function getUID() on null",
"Line":357},"message":"Call to a member function getUID() on null in file '/var/www/virtual/MYSERVER/html/apps/drawio/lib/Controller/EditorController.php' line 357",
"exception":{},"CustomMessage":"Call to a member function getUID() on null in file '/var/www/virtual/MYSERVER/html/apps/drawio/lib/Controller/EditorController.php' line 357"}}
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