Questions/comments from @JohnGuilding:
Why did you opt to build an executor and a validator? As opposed to keeping all logic in the validator?
When running
SIMULATE=true forge test --ffi
, I get two failures:Failing tests: Encountered 2 failing tests in test/integration/IntegrationTest.t.sol:IntegrationTest [FAIL: revert: UserOperation simulation failed] test_BalanceTransferSingleMemberInitiateTx() (gas: 1789088023) [FAIL: revert: UserOperation simulation failed] test_TxCallMultiMembersInitiateTxSignTxExecuteTx() (gas: 1789747216)
tests against 4337 validation rules (not all of them last I checked but this may have changed) completion of the project, we should make sure that the validator is indeed 4337 compatible and do a full e2e test
For the following comment:
//TODO: what is a good way to delete entries associated with `acctTxCount[account]`, // The following line will make the compiler fail. // delete acctTxCount[account];
You could use a mechanism similar to an enumerable map, where you can loop over all the txHashs associated with an account Since Solidity doesn't have generics and you are using a custom struct, you could explore a custom enumerable map too