Issue Template
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My new Enterprise B2B Startup will sue you. We recruited a business communications expert whose slideshow told us there is no "Contact Sales" button on your product page. Also, where are the .msi's for our Windows Server 2012 R2 Cloud™? How do we even install this Enterprise™ thing when there's no way to accept the license requirements?
I propose a transparent Quadruple Licensing Scheme:
- MIT-License for use in every Commercial Closed-Source Project that's being developed with Enterprise™, at the MIT
- "Enterprise™ | First" EULA that's free for personal purposes and comes with a slightly reduced feature set (everything included except execution of your Enterprise™ programs)
- "Enterprise™ | On-Prem™" special $$$ license which allows you to use "Enterprise™ | First" on your own hardware. It's essentially the same as 2. but it restricts the use of other devices.
- "Enterprise™ | Enterprise" $$$$$$, allowing you to sell programs created with "Enterprise™ | Enterprise". Please note that this doesn't include the right to ship an Enterprise runtime, which the user has to obtain a license for. Life isn't a bowl of cherries - get that already!