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Mobi Slack Bot

A slack extension for Mobi with custom built functions to help with new member onboarding and engagement
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Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Getting Started
  3. Docs
  4. Contributing
  5. License
  6. Contact

About The Project

During a session of social coding Zach started setting up a slack bot on Glitch so we could all code a few fun messages and get an introduction to Javascript, after a few days I found myself being the most active on the fun project and decided to expand and deliver a few features.


Feature Overview

  • Members can easily access Mobi's frequently asked questions through a command
  • Browse the top posts of Reddit's r/programmerhumor within Slack
  • When members join, Mobi bot greets them with a random message from a list of templates in welcome-messages.js
  • Channel moderators can test what a new user onboarding is with /newusertest
  • Fun commands to keep members engaged and eager to program their own commands!
    • such as translateto dothraki to translate your message to dothraki
    • $STOCK_TICKER_SYMBOL to retrieve a current price and volume information of a specified stock
    • show me a cat fact to display a random cat fact
    • And many more to come!

Project Goal

The aim of this project was to create something useful for new members and be able to onboard them to Mobi and help them learn some Javascript along the way, and hopefully getting them excited about hacking their own features!

For more information on how to add your own feature keep reading!

Built With

Getting Started

The exact instructions might have changed since the project started but the below steps should help with initial setup!


Setup an account with Glitch and create your first project, if you're completely new to Glitch check out this great article to get ramped up!
Set up your first Slack app with Glitch by following these steps


  1. Clone the repo onto a new Glitch project
    git clone
  2. Go through the same steps in the prerequisites but now connect your slack server's tokens by modifying the environment variables in your project
  3. Great success!


A list of chat event triggers and commands the app currently supports is down below

Command Description
/faq List most frequently asked questions along with their answers
/meme Display a top daily post from r/programmerhumor from reddit
translateto dothraki <message> Translates message to dothraki!
newusertest Displays the message a new user would receive from Mobi Bot when new user joined team event is triggered
cat Mentioning cat in your message sends a random cat fact, along with an image of one! 🤩
oof Mentioning oof in your message will cause Mobi bot to oof alongside with you, namely Mobi bot will return a big oof
yeet Mobi bot shall YAW
wutang <name> Converts name into a wutang name
rip Mobi bot will reply "😔 rip"
f in the chat Mobi bot will reply with our own custom f emoji
hello Mobi bot will greet you! You're never alone when in the Slack, Mobi bot will always be there for you 😃
goose coin Mobi bot will return an image of goose coin, a meme slightly popular in 2018 lol
random doge Mobi bot will search the internet for a random image of a doge and deliver it to you, perfect for the #dog channel
$<stock ticker symbol> Mobi bot returns the recent volume and price of the stock ticker symbol specified
Your feature here What are you wating for, fellow hacker, come build your own feature and submit a pull request!


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


Below is a gif demonstrating the commands and the responses mobi bot has for them, although it shows the channel being in a dm with the bot these messages also work in public and private channels since the bot can listen to events server-wide



Jonathan Padilla - linkedin
Project Link:
Mobi UTA: Homepage

Made by Mobi

🎉 Thanks for checking out my project! 🎉

\ ゜o゜)ノ