(located here until we find a better place for them)
We worked on the session proposal for the Open Source Summit North America: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1drcJm9m05qNbJ8RAYS1U41GOSq1Ej4dSQa-i-w51Ytc/edit?ts=5adf7063
We discussed the goals of the workgroup and started defining categories in which we understand diversity and inclusion: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MzDk84BL7FfHDxbFxJz39M72V2Hfc5Y6oCPhOl6woxo/edit#heading=h.hx2wqrioawbd
Updates from OSLS
Daniel, Nicole, Matt did a presentation on D&I. Attended by about 40 people. Presentation was focused more on using metrics. Still a ton of interest in CHAOSS and seeing the project move forward. Slides: https://wiki.linuxfoundation.org/_media/chaoss/slides/2018-03-06_osls.diversityandinclusion.pdf
Regarding the WG D&I
There is a pull request right now on the metrics repository on the Diversity and Inclusion metric category. The pull request is about how we present the metrics. chaoss/metrics#64
Update from OpenStack survey
The OpenStack survey v2 is almost ready (now has response options) and waiting for final feedback right now: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/diversity-survey-spring-2018_draft Will be sent out in short time. The goal is to expand diversity beyond gender diversity and make sure that everyone feels welcome. Yearly repeat the survey to see if initiatives are being effective.
no update, still working on To-Do's
- review existing survey work (Matt)
- review GrimoireLab software (Daniel)
- mentorship for OpenStack report (Daniel and Nicole)
- describe non-technical contributions and document what OpenStack diversity research captured (Nicole)