Hello all,
What I am trying to achieve :
I enjoy jupyter a lot, support the free and open standards philosophy. I use it for my data analysis in python and I like it, and would like now to do my document editing in it.
Thus I am trying to turn jupyterlab into a latex IDE like Overleaf. I want to be able to compile, find code piece from pdf and vice versa, and have decent auto-completions.
Steps I followed :
[From Fedora Silverblue with layered texlive-scheme-full]
I installed mamba with miniforge3-linux-64
mamba create -n latex
mamba activate latex
mamba install 'jupyterlab>=4.1.0,<5.0.0a0' jupyterlab-lsp jupyterlab-latex texlab chktex
I did not install tectonic since I already have a texlive install.
Then ,
jupyter lab --generate-config
Inside the generated file, I added :
c.LatexConfig.latex_command = 'xelatex'
c.LatexConfig.shell_escape = "allow"
c.LatexConfig.bib_command = 'biber'
c.LatexConfig.run_times = 2
What troubles me:
I was expecting out-of-the-box auto-completions. Like the one showcased on
However I have to call it with tab, then it lists (alphabetically ?) the « best » propositions and when I select one it pastes it where I pressed tab. If it’s a \begin it does not add the \end with proper environment (like showed in texlab demo) :
What extra-steps I should take to get it working like showed ?
Fiddling with the json settings editor ?
Is it unachievable on jupyter ?
Here is my packages list in case it’s any useful.