Would it be possible to add more colormaps in the dedicated widget, i.e. using custom colormaps defined earlier in the notebooks ?
In :
# Colormap choice widget colormap = Dropdown( options=colormaps, description='colormap:' )
For now colormaps is :
{'BrBG': 0, 'PRGn': 1, 'PiYG': 2, 'PuOr': 3, 'RdBu': 4, 'RdGy': 5, 'RdYlBu': 6, 'RdYlGn': 7, 'Spectral': 8, 'BuGn': 9, 'BuPu': 10, 'GnBu': 11, 'OrRd': 12, 'PuBuGn': 13, 'PuBu': 14, 'PuRd': 15, 'RdPu': 16, 'YlGnBu': 17, 'YlGn': 18, 'YlOrBr': 19, 'YlOrRd': 20, 'Blues': 21, 'Greens': 22, 'Greys': 23, 'Purples': 24, 'Reds': 25, 'Oranges': 26, 'Cividis': 27, 'CubehelixDefault': 28, 'Rainbow': 29, 'Warm': 30, 'Cool': 31, 'Sinebow': 32, 'Turbo': 33, 'Viridis': 34, 'Magma': 35, 'Inferno': 36, 'Plasma': 37}