cc @jasongrout @vidartf @SylvainCorlay
I want to transfer some ndarray from python to js (python side numpy, js side scijs/ndarray). It would be nice to have a js package for this, as well as a place to put the python code.
The python code would make sense to put here I think, but also the js code (fan of monorepos!).
We (/me, @vidartf and @SylvainCorlay) also discussed using arrow to transfer tensors, which would make it easier for kernel backends in for instance c++ to handle more complex tensors.
However, I think simply transferring a memory buffer, the shape and dtype (maybe strides, but C_CONTIGUOUS is fine with me first) will handle >80% of the cases.
So is this repo the place to put a js package (name suggesions welcome, jupyter-ndarray-serialize?)