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Build GPU Variants of Current Images #1557




Hello everyone! First, I just want to say that at work we almost exclusively use Jupyter as our data science platform and appreciate everything that the community and the Jupyter team has done to create such a wonderful tool!

I have searched through the current list of issues and pull requests open in this repository and have not found and that match this request so I am starting a new one. Apologies if I have missed any. Our work necessitates the use of cuda-enabled containers as we primarily train deep learning models. We have made a slight modification to the makefile that allows us to re-use most of the infrastructure already in place to build the various levels of notebooks.

I am aware of the fantastic work being done at and suggest anyone who needs gpu-enabled containers to check it out as a first stop. This solution will work for many, and it contains some additional features which are nice to have, but it is slightly different than what we prepose.

The current docker-stacks starts with the base-notebook which is built from an Ubuntu 20.04 layer. Our preposal is to build a separate set of notebooks based on the nvidia/cuda:11.3.0-cudnn8-runtime-ubuntu20.04 image (we chose this for compatibility with Pytorch). This is similar to what the iot-salzburg repository does in their images but maintains the minimalism found in some of the base notebooks for those who are looking for a solid foundation for their own custom images. With the change to the makefiles it would be easy to build two sets of images: one for the standard notebooks as they exist now, and another for the cuda-enabled variants.

To address the selection criteria found in the documention for new features:

  • The majority of the data science community working on neural networks uses GPUs to train their models and being able to pull down mirrors of the docker-stacks containers with cuda backed in would be tremendously useful.
  • One of the most beautiful things about the docker-stacks project is the ability to base custom images on any of the notebook images depending on the requirements of the user. Building two sets of containers would be inline with the current design philosophy of the project.
  • The complexity of this change is low. We have a simply python script that replaces lines in the base-notebook and a new section in the Makefile that is minimal and could be hooked into the current build process.
  • The build times are identical to the current build times as only the base layers changes. None of the current images will change, only new tags added.
  • Sustainment of the change should not be difficult at all as the nvidia/cuda containers are regularly updated by Nvidia. Any test that need to be written we can do to support the pull request.

I would be happy to answer any questions about this proposal!




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    type:EnhancementA proposed enhancement to the docker images


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