For me, the last part of fix-permissions is a tad unclear. The how and why isn't documented.
for d in $@; do
find "$d" \
! \( \
-group $NB_GID \
-a -perm -g+rwX \
\) \
-exec chgrp $NB_GID {} \; \
-exec chmod g+rwX {} \;
# setuid,setgid *on directories only*
find "$d" \
\( \
-type d \
-a ! -perm -6000 \
\) \
-exec chmod +6000 {} \;
Also, the commit in which it was added is a bit unclear for me.
As the first block is using the non-numeric approach, would it be possible to change the second one to do so, too?
Would that be something along the lines of:
for d in $@; do
find "$d" \
! \( \
-group $NB_GID \
-a -perm -g+rwX \
\) \
-exec chgrp $NB_GID {} \; \
-exec chmod g+rwX {} \;
# setuid,setgid *on directories only*
find "$d" \
\( \
-type d \
-a ! -perm -g+s \
\) \
-exec chmod +g+s {} \;
This may just be me being too new to the permissions management in Linux.