I am trying to use opentype.js and poly2tri.js with Jupyter notebook, along with my own additional JS scripts. I copied all these to AppData/Roaming/Jupyter/nbextensions folder . enabled them from tthe console. I can see the notebook.JSON file at ./jupyter folder with load_extensions: { "scriptxx": true} for each of them.
For a simplified demo, I collected all other JS scripts within the tryText.html file. This html file executes properly on the browser. But if I execute it on a notebook cell via the IPython.display.HTML command, I get " Reference error: opentype is not defined". Same is true, if I try to run poly2tri.js if I run it with manually provided data (i.e., without opentype.js provided data). As I understand, the notebook can not see these packages ( although I do not get 404 error on the server console, but 302 error; which I get for my own local scripts that still work OK)
How can I get these two working with Jupyter notebook?