Proposed change
I would like to propose the introduction of a new way to install dependencies in the repo2docker cases through micropipenv [1]: A lightweight wrapper for pip to support requirements.txt, Pipenv and Poetry lock files or converting them to pip-tools compatible output. Designed for containerized Python applications but not limited to them.
This would reduce code to be maintained, merging python and pipenv buildpacks, and moreover allowing repo2docker to handle poetry files, all with one single library.
Alternative options
Who would use this feature?
This feature will help maintainers of repo2docker and will allow users to use also poetry files all with one single library.
How much effort will adding it take?
It should not take too much time to assemble one buildpack called micropipenv
that check for requirements.txt, Pipenv or Poetry lock files and install them in the pyenv, virtualenv or conda environment.
#972 would not be required anymore. And the new buildpack for poetry #835 could be integrated in one single buildpack.
Who can do this work?
I'm available to write the part with micropipenv, I would need some support on testing those changes.