- Create an account.
- Select the ‘type’ of profile you’d like.
- Head to your ‘Dashboard’ (the administration side of your new account).
- Update your profile on the OFN with your basic information, contact details and pictures.
If you have selected to have a profile only account and don’t wish to trade on the OFN you can stop at step 4. If you wish to sell your products as a supplier to other OFN shops, continue to step 5 to add your products, and then you are ready. Producers who have selected to operate their own OFN shopfront should continue with steps 5-11.
- Add products .
- Define and set up your payment methods .
- Define your shipping methods .
- Add enterprise fees .
- Create an order cycle .
You’re now ready to open the doors to your store, and start accepting orders!
- View orders that have been placed in your shop .
- View and use the OFN generated reports to track orders, view accounts payable and receivable and more!
Well done, you’re all set-up! Now take a look at the advanced features to see how you can use the OFN to cater to the unique needs of your business.