This PR introduces breaking changes
This PR or Issue describs or fixes something that isn't working
This PR contains repository maintanance changes
This PR updates or changes something CI related
This PR updates or changes a dependency file
This PR marks a feature, function or other public API element as deprecated
This PR or Issue aims to improve or add to documentation
This Issue or PR is a dupliacte of an existing Issue or PR
This PR or Issue requests or introduces a new feature
This PR updates or changes GH Actions uesd in this repo
This Issue contains a requirement easy to be bicked up by project newcomers
This Issue or PR requires extra attention and/or requires external help
This Issue describes an invalid request or bug report
Merging this PR leads to a major version increment
This PR fixes a major bug
This PR introduces a major new feature
Merging this PR leads to a minor version increment
This PR updates or changes some NPM dependencies
This PR removes a feature, function or other public API element
This PR gets ignored by the Release Drafter workflow
This PR adds or impoves tests (e.g. coverage, quality, ...)
This Issue contains a request or 'bug' that wont be fixed (e.g. out-of-scope, not-an-issue, ...)