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I have a code that runs DDMarlinPandora on edm4hep files, via the edm4hep2LCIO converters:
Until today I was using for the input the legacy services (k4DataSvc, PodioInput) because the code would not run otherwise, but I was told yesterday that with
I would be able to go back to the IOSvc input.
However, when I tried this today, I get multiple warnings in output that I didn't have before, one for each hit collection that I am trying to read in DDMarlinPandora, such as:
[ MESSAGE "DDMarlinPandora"] Failed to extract hcal calo hit collection: HCalBarrelReadoutPositioned, lcio::DataNotAvailableException: LCEventImpl::getCollection: collection not in event:HCalBarrelReadoutPositioned
These warnings only disappear if I modify the EDM4hepTool configuration of my code, which was:
from Configurables import EDM4hep2LcioTool
edm4hepConvTool = EDM4hep2LcioTool("EDM4hep2lcio")
edm4hepConvTool.convertAll = True
edm4hepConvTool.collNameMapping = {
"MCParticles": "MCParticle",
"TracksFromGenParticles": "TrackCollection",
pandora.EDM4hep2LcioTool = edm4hepConvTool
to include in the collNameMapping all the hits collections, for instance
"HCalBarrelReadoutPositioned": "HCalBarrelReadoutPositioned",
Before, this didn't seem to be necessary - it seemed to be handled automatically when convertAll = True as in my case. Is that a bug or a feature of the new changes?
Tagging @jmcarcell and @tmadlener
Operating System and Version
Rocky Linux 9
GCC 14.2.0 (Spack GCC)
The version of the key4hep stack
today's nightly
Package Version
source /cvmfs/
ddsim --enableGun --gun.distribution uniform --gun.momentumMin "10.000000*GeV" --gun.momentumMax "10.000000*GeV" --gun.thetaMin 1.553343 --gun.thetaMax 1.588250 --gun.phiMin 0.000000 --gun.phiMax 6.283185 --gun.particle mu- --numberOfEvents 1 --outputFile root/allegro_v03_evts_1_pdg_13_MomentumMinMax_10.0_10.0_GeV_ThetaMinMax_89.0_91.0_PhiMinMax_0_360_sim.root --random.enableEventSeed --random.seed 4242 --compactFile $K4GEO/FCCee/ALLEGRO/compact/ALLEGRO_o1_v03/ALLEGRO_o1_v03.xml
k4run --pandora --inputFiles "root/allegro_v03_evts_1_pdg_13_MomentumMinMax_10.0_10.0_GeV_ThetaMinMax_89.0_91.0_PhiMinMax_0_360_sim.root" --outputFile root/allegro_v03_evts_1_pdg_13_MomentumMinMax_10.0_10.0_GeV_ThetaMinMax_89.0_91.0_PhiMinMax_0_360_HCal_ON_digi_reco.root --includeHCal --addTracks --calibrateClusters
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