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Add GEP-1713: ListenerSets - Standard Mechanism to Merge Multiple Gateways support #10662




kgateway version


Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

GEP-1713: ListenerSets - Standard Mechanism to Merge Multiple Gateways introduces support for a concept called ListenerSets. This concept decouples the definition and configuration of Listeners from the Gateway CR.

This has a number of advantages:

  • The current limit of Listeners is 64, which means only 64 SNI domains can be configured. We have customers that have many more domains on a single gateway.
  • The Gloo Edge API allowed application teams to configure both the TLS Certs and SNI Domains as well as the routing logic in a single CR (VirtualService). With Gateway API, application teams can no longer own the configuration of Certs and SNI, as this needs to be configured in the Gateway CR (== platform team). ListenerSets would create the required decoupling to implement this separation of concern.

Describe the solution you'd like

Add support for ListenerSets as defined in GEP-1713: ListenerSets - Standard Mechanism to Merge Multiple Gateways](

Add the following support:

  • Create an enhancement proposal that provides the API design and implementation.
  • Add initial e2e tests for this feature.
  • Update CI to run e2e tests.
  • Add initial user docs.
  • TBD

Describe alternatives you've considered

Do not support the Gateway API Inference Extension project.

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