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277 lines (241 loc) · 12.1 KB

File metadata and controls

277 lines (241 loc) · 12.1 KB

Upgrading Guide

core 19.0.0 -> 20.0.0
sqs 19.0.0 -> 20.0.0
sns 20.0.0 -> 21.0.0
amqp 18.0.0 -> 19.0.0
metrics 2.0.0 -> 3.0.0

Description of Breaking Changes

  • The processingResult from the core has been updated to an object format. It is utilized within spies and metrics and now contains the following properties:
    • status: This property can have one of the following values: retryLater, consumed, published, or error.
    • skippedAsDuplicate: For messages with a status of consumed, this property indicates whether the message was skipped due to being a duplicate.
    • errorReason: When status is error, this property provides specific reasons and can be one of the following: invalidMessage, handlerError, or retryLaterExceeded.
  • Additionally, the metrics library has undergone class renaming to support future tool integrations and simplify the process of adding new Prometheus custom metrics by extending PrometheusMessageMetric.

Migration Steps

  • If your project utilizes processingResult within spies or metrics, you must update it to align with the new structure.
  • Follow these renaming changes in the metrics library:
    • MessageProcessingMultiMetrics is now MessageMultiMetricManager
    • MessageLifetimeMetric is now PrometheusMessageLifetimeMetric
    • MessageProcessingTimeMetric is now PrometheusMessageTimeMetric

core 18.0.0 -> 19.0.0
sqs 18.0.0 -> 19.0.0
sns 19.0.0 -> 20.0.0
amqp 17.0.0 -> 18.0.0

Description of Breaking Changes

  • In AbstractQueueService:

    • handleMessageProcessed method signature has changed. Parameters are now passed as an object, and 2 additional properties were added:
      • messageProcessingStartTimestamp - timestamp in milliseconds used to calculate message processing time
      • queueName - name of the queue or topic on which message is consumed or published
    • resolveProcessedMessageMetadata was made private
  • ProcessedMessageMetadata type used in MessageMetricsManager has changed:

    • messageProcessingMilliseconds property was removed
    • the following properties were added:
      • messageTimestamp
      • messageProcessingStartTimestamp
      • messageProcessingEndTimestamp
  • Because of the change above, @message-queue-toolkit/[email protected] is not compatible with the new version.

Migration steps

  • If you are using custom implementation of MessageMetricsManager, you may need to adjust it to the new properties in ProcessedMessageMetadata

  • If you are extending AbstractQueueService and calling handleMessageProcessed manually, you need to adjust it to the new signature, e.g.:

    • from:
      this.handleMessageProcessed(message, 'consumed', messageProcessingStartTimestamp, queueName)
    • to:
      this.handleMessageProcessed({ message, processingResult: 'consumed', messageProcessingStartTimestamp, queueName })
  • If you are using features from @message-queue-toolkit/[email protected], upgrade to @message-queue-toolkit/[email protected] and follow the migration guide below.

Upgrading metrics from 1.0.0 to 2.0.0

Description of Breaking Changes

  • MessageProcessingTimePrometheusMetric class was replaced by 2 classes:
    • MessageProcessingTimeMetric - registers elapsed time from start to the end of processing
    • MessageLifetimeMetric - registers elapsed time from message creation to the end of processing

Migration steps

  • If you are using MessageProcessingTimePrometheusMetric, replace it with one of the metrics mentioned above, depending on what do you want to measure. Note: if you want to keep current measurements, use MessageLifetimeMetric. If you want to use both metrics, use MessageProcessingMultiMetrics (see:

core 17.0.0 -> 18.0.0
sqs 17.0.0 -> 18.0.0
sns 18.0.0 -> 19.0.0
amqp 16.0.0 -> 17.0.0

Description of Breaking Changes

  • logger injectable dependency interface was replaced by CommonLogger from @lokalise/node-core package. It is compatible with pino logger (

Migration steps

  • If you are using pino logger, or any other logger compatible with CommonLogger interface, you don't need to do anything
  • Otherwise, there are serveral properties that need to be provided compared to the old interface:
    • level - string defining configured minimal logging level
    • isLevelEnabled - utility method for determining if a given log level will write to the destination.
    • child - method for generating child logger instance with predefined properties
    • silent - method used for logging when silent level is selected

Upgrading from 12.0.0 to 13.0.0

Description of Breaking Change

  • The property prehandlers has been updated to preHandler for consumers.
  • In the SQS and SNS consumer, consumerOverrides no longer permits the alteration of critical properties such as sqs, queueUrl, handler, and handleMessageBatch to prevent confusion and maintain proper functionality of the consumer.
  • The consumerOverrides in the SQS and SNS consumer no longer includes the option to define the visibilityTimeout property, as it is now automatically determined by the consumer from the creationConfig or queue configuration in the case of locatorConfig.

Migration Steps


If you currently utilize the prehandlers property in your consumer, it will be necessary to update it to preHandler.


If you are implementing the consumerOverrides property in your consumer, it is essential to eliminate the properties sqs, queueUrl, handler, handleMessageBatch, and visibilityTimeout.

  • sqs should be included in the constructor dependencies
  • queueUrl is managed automatically by the library and does not require manual specification
  • handleMessageBatch is not supported by the library
  • visibilityTimeout is automatically managed by the library and does not need explicit declaration
  • For the handler, use the handler property in the constructor as demonstrated below
export class MyConsumer extends AbstractAmqpConsumer<MyType, undefined> {
    public static QUEUE_NAME = 'my-queue-name'

    constructor(dependencies: AMQPConsumerDependencies) {
                creationConfig: {
                    queueName: AmqpPermissionConsumer.QUEUE_NAME,
                    queueOptions: { durable: true, autoDelete: false },
                messageTypeField: 'messageType',
                handlers: new MessageHandlerConfigBuilder<SupportedEvents, ExecutionContext>()
                        async (message) => {
                            // Your handling code
                            return {
                                result: 'success',

Upgrading from 11.0.0 to 12.0.0

Description of Breaking Change

Multi consumers and publishers can accomplish the same tasks as mono ones, but they add extra layer of complexity by requiring features to be implemented in both. As a result, we have decided to remove the mono ones to enhance maintainability.

Migration Steps

Multi consumers and publishers

If you are using the multi consumer or consumer, you will only need to rename the class you are extending, and it should work as before.

  • AbstractSqsMultiConsumer -> AbstractSqsConsumer
  • AbstractSqsMultiPublisher -> AbstractSqsPublisher

Mono consumers and publishers

If you are using the mono consumer or publisher, they no longer exist, so you will need to adjust your code to use the old named multi consumer or publisher (now called just consumer or publisher). Please check the guide below.

  1. Rename the class you are extending from AbstractSqsPublisherMonoSchema to AbstractSqsPublisherSchema.
  2. replace the messageSchema property with messageSchemas, it is an array of zod schemas.
// Old code
export class MyPublisher extends AbstractSqsPublisherMonoSchema<MyType> {
    public static QUEUE_NAME = 'my-queue-name'

    constructor(dependencies: SQSDependencies) {
        super(dependencies, {
            creationConfig: {
                queue: {
                    QueueName: SqsPermissionPublisherMonoSchema.QUEUE_NAME,
            handlerSpy: true,
            deletionConfig: {
                deleteIfExists: false,
            logMessages: true,
            messageSchema: MY_MESSAGE_SCHEMA,
            messageTypeField: 'messageType',

// Updated code
export class MyPublisher extends AbstractSqsPublisher<MyType> {
    public static QUEUE_NAME = 'my-queue-name'

    constructor(dependencies: SQSDependencies) {
        super(dependencies, {
            creationConfig: {
                queue: {
                    QueueName: SqsPermissionPublisherMonoSchema.QUEUE_NAME,
            handlerSpy: true,
            deletionConfig: {
                deleteIfExists: false,
            logMessages: true,
            messageSchemas: [MY_MESSAGE_SCHEMA],
            messageTypeField: 'messageType',
  1. Rename the class you are extending from AbstractSqsConsumerMonoSchema to AbstractSqsConsumer.
  2. Remove the messageSchema property.
  3. Define a handler (handlers property) for your message, specifying the zod schema (old messageSchema) and the method to handle the message (old processMessage method)
// Old code
export class MyConsumer extends AbstractAmqpConsumerMonoSchema<MyType> {
    public static QUEUE_NAME = 'my-queue-name'

    constructor(dependencies: AMQPConsumerDependencies) {
        super(dependencies, {
            creationConfig: {
                queueName: AmqpPermissionConsumer.QUEUE_NAME,
                queueOptions: {
                    durable: true,
                    autoDelete: false,
            deletionConfig: {
                deleteIfExists: true,
            messageSchema: MY_MESSAGE_SCHEMA,
            messageTypeField: 'messageType',

    override async processMessage(
        message: MyType,
    ): Promise<Either<'retryLater', 'success'>> {
        // Your handling code
        return { result: 'success' }

// Updated code
export class MyConsumer extends AbstractAmqpConsumer<MyType, undefined> {
    public static QUEUE_NAME = 'my-queue-name'

    constructor(dependencies: AMQPConsumerDependencies) {
                creationConfig: {
                    queueName: AmqpPermissionConsumer.QUEUE_NAME,
                    queueOptions: {
                        durable: true,
                        autoDelete: false,
                deletionConfig: {
                    deleteIfExists: true,
                messageTypeField: 'messageType',
                handlers: new MessageHandlerConfigBuilder<SupportedEvents, ExecutionContext>()
                        async (message) => {
                            // Your handling code
                            return {
                                result: 'success',

NOTE: on this example code we are omitting the barrier pattern (preHandlerBarrier) and pre handlers (preHandlers) to simplify the example. If you are using them, please check SqsPermissionConsumer.ts to see how to update your code.