Potential options:
- Simplify and document well existing format - this might work, but it would still require some skill and ramp-up time.
- Find an existing format which is used somewhere else - would be great, but I'm not sure where to even find it
- Build a UI tool for creating exercises - this would probable be the best experience, but this also requires a lot of work.
Example of how it works now:
To show hello between milestone 2 and 3 and to trim the whitespace, it should look like this
/*d:milestone-1:milestone-2/trimBoth*/ hello /*/d*/
import {BrowserModule} from '@angular/platform-browser';
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {AppComponent} from './app.component';
import {ThumbsComponent} from './thumbs/thumbs.component';
import {TogglePanelComponent} from './toggle-panel/toggle-panel.component';
import {VideoService} from './video/video.service';
import {VideoComponent} from './video/video.component';
import {ContextComponent} from './context/context.component';
import {FuzzyPipe} from './fuzzy-pipe/fuzzy.pipe';
imports: [BrowserModule],
declarations: [AppComponent
/*/d*//*d:videoComponentUseSolved/trimBoth*/, VideoComponent
/*/d*//*d:thumbsComponentUseSolved/trimBoth*/, ThumbsComponent
/*/d*//*d:togglePanelComponentUseSolved/trimBoth*/, TogglePanelComponent
/*/d*//*d:contextComponentUse/trimBoth*/, ContextComponent
/*/d*//*d:fuzzyPipeUseSolved/trimBoth*/, FuzzyPipe
bootstrap: [AppComponent]/*/d*//*d:diInjectServiceSolved/trimTrailing*/,
providers: [VideoService]
export class AppModule {
No labels