It would be great to be able to create admonition blocks, similar to how you can on GitHub
> [!NOTE]
> Highlights information that users should take into account, even when skimming.
> [!TIP]
> Optional information to help a user be more successful.
> Crucial information necessary for users to succeed.
> Critical content demanding immediate user attention due to potential risks.
> Negative potential consequences of an action.
On GitHub is currently produces HTML that looks like
<div class="markdown-alert markdown-alert-note" dir="auto">
<p class="markdown-alert-title" dir="auto">
<svg class="octicon octicon-info mr-2" viewBox="0 0 16 16" version="1.1" width="16" height="16" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M0 8a8 8 0 1 1 16 0A8 8 0 0 1 0 8Zm8-6.5a6.5 6.5 0 1 0 0 13 6.5 6.5 0 0 0 0-13ZM6.5 7.75A.75.75 0 0 1 7.25 7h1a.75.75 0 0 1 .75.75v2.75h.25a.75.75 0 0 1 0 1.5h-2a.75.75 0 0 1 0-1.5h.25v-2h-.25a.75.75 0 0 1-.75-.75ZM8 6a1 1 0 1 1 0-2 1 1 0 0 1 0 2Z"></path></svg>
<p dir="auto">Highlights information that users should take into account, even when skimming.</p>
Rendering an SVG is much too opinionated, but I feel that rendering a div with two p tags inside and appropriate class names to style would work well.
I am interested in contributing this feature as long as there is upstream interest, thank you!
No labels