- I have read the contributing guidelines
- This issue hasn't been addressed in an existing issue or pull request
As Expo is the default framework for React Native development this SDK should really consider supporting it.
Proposed Solution
That said, we've been recently implementing it in an Expo project and I'll share the plugin files needed to implement at least Push Open event (it may be extended to other features).
Maybe it clears the path for some people who are planning to use it and make maintainers realize it is not that difficult to add out-of-the-box Expo support.
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const withKlaviyoAndroid = require("./withKlaviyoAndroid").default;
const withKlaviyoIOS = require("./withKlaviyoIOS").default;
const withKlaviyo = expoConfig => {
if (expoConfig.platforms.includes("android")) {
expoConfig = withKlaviyoAndroid(expoConfig);
if (expoConfig.platforms.includes("ios")) {
expoConfig = withKlaviyoIOS(expoConfig);
return expoConfig;
exports.default = withKlaviyo;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const { withAppDelegate, withDangerousMod } = require("@expo/config-plugins");
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
function applyiOSChanges(appDelegate) {
// Add imports and implement UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate methods
let imports = `
#import "ExpoModulesCore-Swift.h"
#import <UserNotifications/UserNotifications.h>
#import "ProjectName-Swift.h"
if (!appDelegate.includes(imports)) {
appDelegate = imports + appDelegate;
let notificationMethods = `
// UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate methods
- (void)userNotificationCenter:(UNUserNotificationCenter *)center didReceiveNotificationResponse:(UNNotificationResponse *)response withCompletionHandler:(void (^)(void))completionHandler
// If this notification is Klaviyo's notification we'll handle it
// else pass it on to the next push notification service to which it may belong
BOOL handled = [KlaviyoBridge handleNotificationResponse:response completionHandler:completionHandler];
if (!handled) {
- (void)userNotificationCenter:(UNUserNotificationCenter *)center willPresentNotification:(UNNotification *)notification withCompletionHandler:(void (^)(UNNotificationPresentationOptions options))completionHandler
if (@available(iOS 14.0, *)) {
completionHandler(UNNotificationPresentationOptionList | UNNotificationPresentationOptionBanner);
} else {
if (!appDelegate.includes("// UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate methods")) {
appDelegate = appDelegate.replace(
/@implementation AppDelegate/,
match => `${match}\n${notificationMethods}`
let didFinishLaunchingWithOptionsCode = `
// Register AppDelegate as UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate
UNUserNotificationCenter *center = [UNUserNotificationCenter currentNotificationCenter];
center.delegate = self;
if (
"UNUserNotificationCenter *center = [UNUserNotificationCenter currentNotificationCenter];"
) {
appDelegate = appDelegate.replace(
/return \[super application:application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:launchOptions\];/,
match => `${didFinishLaunchingWithOptionsCode}\n ${match}`
return appDelegate;
function applyAppDelegateHChanges(appDelegateH) {
let importStatement = `#import <UserNotifications/UserNotifications.h>`;
let protocol = `<UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate>`;
if (!appDelegateH.includes(importStatement)) {
appDelegateH = importStatement + "\n" + appDelegateH;
if (!appDelegateH.includes(protocol)) {
appDelegateH = appDelegateH.replace(
/@interface AppDelegate : [\w]+/,
match => `${match} ${protocol}`
return appDelegateH;
const withKlaviyoIOS = expoConfig => {
expoConfig = withAppDelegate(expoConfig, config => {
config.modResults.contents = applyiOSChanges(config.modResults.contents);
return config;
expoConfig = withDangerousMod(expoConfig, [
async config => {
const projectRoot = config.modRequest.platformProjectRoot;
const projectName =
config.modRequest.projectName || || config.slug;
// Write the KlaviyoBridge.swift file
const swiftFilePath = path.join(projectRoot, "KlaviyoBridge.swift");
const swiftFileContent = `
import Foundation
import KlaviyoSwift
import UserNotifications
@objc class KlaviyoBridge: NSObject {
@objc static func handleNotificationResponse(_ response: UNNotificationResponse, completionHandler: @escaping () -> Void) -> Bool {
return KlaviyoSDK().handle(notificationResponse: response, withCompletionHandler: completionHandler)
fs.writeFileSync(swiftFilePath, swiftFileContent, { encoding: "utf-8" });
// Ensure bridging header exists and include import statement
const bridgingHeaderPath = path.join(
let bridgingHeaderContent = "";
if (fs.existsSync(bridgingHeaderPath)) {
bridgingHeaderContent = fs.readFileSync(bridgingHeaderPath, "utf-8");
if (!bridgingHeaderContent.includes('#import "ProjectName-Swift.h"')) {
bridgingHeaderContent =
`#import "ProjectName-Swift.h"\n` + bridgingHeaderContent;
fs.writeFileSync(bridgingHeaderPath, bridgingHeaderContent, {
encoding: "utf-8",
// Ensure bridging header is referenced in the project
const pbxprojPath = path.join(
let pbxprojContent = fs.readFileSync(pbxprojPath, "utf-8");
// Add bridging header
if (!pbxprojContent.includes("SWIFT_OBJC_BRIDGING_HEADER")) {
const bridgingHeaderReference = `SWIFT_OBJC_BRIDGING_HEADER = ProjectName-Bridging-Header.h;`;
pbxprojContent = pbxprojContent.replace(
/lastKnownFileType = sourcecode\.swift;/,
`lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift;\n\t\t\t\t${bridgingHeaderReference}`
// Add KlaviyoBridge.swift to project
if (!pbxprojContent.includes("24800769DB1A46C2A93294F3")) {
const fileRef = `
24800769DB1A46C2A93294F3 /* KlaviyoBridge.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; name = KlaviyoBridge.swift; path = KlaviyoBridge.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
const buildFileRef = `
24800769DB1A46C2A93294F4 /* KlaviyoBridge.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 24800769DB1A46C2A93294F3 /* KlaviyoBridge.swift */; };
const pbxFileReferenceIndex = pbxprojContent.indexOf(
"/* End PBXFileReference section */"
pbxprojContent = [
pbxprojContent.slice(0, pbxFileReferenceIndex),
const pbxBuildFileIndex = pbxprojContent.indexOf(
"/* End PBXBuildFile section */"
pbxprojContent = [
pbxprojContent.slice(0, pbxBuildFileIndex),
const pbxGroupIndex = pbxprojContent.indexOf(
"13B07FAE1A68108700A75B9A /* ProjectName */ = {"
const childrenIndex =
pbxprojContent.indexOf("children = (", pbxGroupIndex) +
"children = (".length;
pbxprojContent = [
pbxprojContent.slice(0, childrenIndex),
"\n24800769DB1A46C2A93294F3 /* KlaviyoBridge.swift */,",
const sourcesBuildPhaseIndex = pbxprojContent.indexOf(
"/* Begin PBXSourcesBuildPhase section */"
const filesIndex =
pbxprojContent.indexOf("files = (", sourcesBuildPhaseIndex) +
"files = (".length;
pbxprojContent = [
pbxprojContent.slice(0, filesIndex),
"\n24800769DB1A46C2A93294F4 /* KlaviyoBridge.swift in Sources */,",
fs.writeFileSync(pbxprojPath, pbxprojContent, { encoding: "utf-8" });
// Modify AppDelegate.h
const appDelegateHPath = path.join(
let appDelegateHContent = fs.readFileSync(appDelegateHPath, "utf-8");
appDelegateHContent = applyAppDelegateHChanges(appDelegateHContent);
fs.writeFileSync(appDelegateHPath, appDelegateHContent, {
encoding: "utf-8",
return config;
return expoConfig;
exports.default = withKlaviyoIOS;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const { withMainActivity } = require("@expo/config-plugins");
function applyMainActivity(mainActivity) {
let klaviyoImport = "import\n";
let intentImport = "import android.content.Intent\n";
let firebaseTriggerImport =
"import expo.modules.notifications.notifications.model.triggers.FirebaseNotificationTrigger\n";
let notificationsServiceImport =
"import expo.modules.notifications.service.NotificationsService\n";
let klaviyoOnNewIntent = `
// this handler is needed in order to use it with expo-notifications,
// that changes the intent extras and makes impossible to Klaviyo SDK
// identify that it is a Klaviyo push
private fun handleNotificationIntent(intent: Intent?): Intent? {
if (intent === null) {
return null
var newIntent = Intent(intent)
val response = NotificationsService.getNotificationResponseFromOpenIntent(newIntent)
if (response === null) {
return newIntent
val KLAVIYO_PACKAGE_NAME = "com.klaviyo"
val KLAVIYO_KEY = "_k"
val value = (response.notification.notificationRequest.trigger as FirebaseNotificationTrigger)
if (value != null && value[KLAVIYO_KEY] != null) {
val extras = newIntent.extras ?: Bundle() // Initialize extras if null
if (extras.getString(KLAVIYO_KEY) == null) {
extras.putString(KLAVIYO_KEY, value[KLAVIYO_KEY])
if (extras.getString("$KLAVIYO_PACKAGE_NAME.$KLAVIYO_KEY") == null) {
newIntent.putExtras(extras) // Apply the modified extras back to the new intent
return newIntent
override fun onNewIntent(intent: Intent?) {
var newIntent = handleNotificationIntent(intent)
// Ensure onNewIntent(intent) is called at the bottom of onCreate
if (!mainActivity.includes("onNewIntent(intent)")) {
mainActivity = mainActivity.replace(
match => `${match}\n onNewIntent(intent)`
// Add import statements if not already present
if (!mainActivity.includes(klaviyoImport)) {
mainActivity = mainActivity.replace(
/package [\w.]+/,
match => `${match}\n${klaviyoImport}`
if (!mainActivity.includes(intentImport)) {
mainActivity = mainActivity.replace(
/package [\w.]+/,
match => `${match}\n${intentImport}`
if (!mainActivity.includes(firebaseTriggerImport)) {
mainActivity = mainActivity.replace(
/package [\w.]+/,
match => `${match}\n${firebaseTriggerImport}`
if (!mainActivity.includes(notificationsServiceImport)) {
mainActivity = mainActivity.replace(
/package [\w.]+/,
match => `${match}\n${notificationsServiceImport}`
// Add onNewIntent method if not already present
if (!mainActivity.includes("override fun onNewIntent(intent: Intent?)")) {
mainActivity = mainActivity.replace(
/class MainActivity : ReactActivity\(\) \{/,
match => `${match}\n${klaviyoOnNewIntent}`
} else {
// Update existing onNewIntent method
mainActivity = mainActivity.replace(
/override fun onNewIntent\(intent: Intent\?\) \{[^}]*\}/,
match => `${klaviyoOnNewIntent}`
return mainActivity;
const withKlaviyoAndroid = expoConfig => {
expoConfig = withMainActivity(expoConfig, config => {
config.modResults.contents = applyMainActivity(config.modResults.contents);
return config;
return expoConfig;
exports.default = withKlaviyoAndroid;
It may need some tweaking.