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268 lines (267 loc) · 7.85 KB


Language Aliases
ABAP abap
ABNF abnf
ActionScript as, actionscript
ActionScript 3 as3, actionscript3
Ada ada, ada95, ada2005
Agda agda
AL al
Alloy alloy
Angular2 ng2
ANTLR antlr
ApacheConf apacheconf, aconf, apache
APL apl
AppleScript applescript
ArangoDB AQL aql
Arduino arduino
ArmAsm armasm
ATL atl
AutoHotkey autohotkey, ahk
AutoIt autoit
Awk awk, gawk, mawk, nawk
Ballerina ballerina
Bash bash, sh, ksh, zsh, shell
Bash Session bash-session, console, shell-session
Batchfile bat, batch, dosbatch, winbatch
Beef beef
BibTeX bib, bibtex
Bicep bicep
BlitzBasic blitzbasic, b3d, bplus
BNF bnf
BQN bqn
Brainfuck brainfuck, bf
C# csharp, c#
C++ cpp, c++
C c
Cap'n Proto capnp
Cassandra CQL cassandra, cql
Ceylon ceylon
CFEngine3 cfengine3, cf3
cfstatement cfs
ChaiScript chai, chaiscript
Chapel chapel, chpl
Cheetah cheetah, spitfire
Clojure clojure, clj, edn
CMake cmake
COBOL cobol
CoffeeScript coffee-script, coffeescript, coffee
Common Lisp common-lisp, cl, lisp
Coq coq
Crystal cr, crystal
CSS css
CSV csv
CUE cue
Cython cython, pyx, pyrex
D d
Dart dart
Dax dax
Desktop file desktop, desktop_entry
Diff diff, udiff
Django/Jinja django, jinja
dns zone, bind
Docker docker, dockerfile
DTD dtd
Dylan dylan
EBNF ebnf
Elixir elixir, ex, exs
Elm elm
EmacsLisp emacs, elisp, emacs-lisp
Erlang erlang
Factor factor
Fennel fennel, fnl
Fish fish, fishshell
Forth forth
Fortran fortran, f90
FortranFixed fortranfixed
FSharp fsharp
GAS gas, asm
GDScript gdscript, gd
GDScript3 gdscript3, gd3
Gherkin cucumber, Cucumber, gherkin, Gherkin
Gleam gleam
GLSL glsl
Gnuplot gnuplot
Go Template go-template
GraphQL graphql, graphqls, gql
Groff groff, nroff, man
Groovy groovy
Handlebars handlebars, hbs
Hare hare
Haskell haskell, hs
HCL hcl
Hexdump hexdump
HLB hlb
HLSL hlsl
HolyC holyc
HTML html
Hy hylang
Idris idris, idr
Igor igor, igorpro
INI ini, cfg, dosini
Io io
ISCdhcpd iscdhcpd
J j
Java java
JavaScript js, javascript
JSON json
JSONata jsonata
Jsonnet jsonnet
Julia julia, jl
Jungle jungle
Kotlin kotlin
Lighttpd configuration file lighty, lighttpd
LLVM llvm
Lua lua
Makefile make, makefile, mf, bsdmake
Mako mako
Mason mason
Materialize SQL dialect materialize, mzsql
Mathematica mathematica, mma, nb
Matlab matlab
MCFunction mcfunction, mcf
Meson meson,
Metal metal
MiniZinc minizinc, MZN, mzn
MLIR mlir
Modula-2 modula2, m2
MonkeyC monkeyc
MorrowindScript morrowind, mwscript
Myghty myghty
MySQL mysql, mariadb
NASM nasm
Natural natural
NDISASM ndisasm
Newspeak newspeak
Nginx configuration file nginx
Nim nim, nimrod
Nix nixos, nix
NSIS nsis, nsi, nsh
Objective-C objective-c, objectivec, obj-c, objc
ObjectPascal objectpascal
OCaml ocaml
Octave octave
Odin odin
OnesEnterprise ones, onesenterprise, 1S, 1S:Enterprise
OpenEdge ABL openedge, abl, progress, openedgeabl
OpenSCAD openscad
Org Mode org, orgmode
PacmanConf pacmanconf
Perl perl, pl
PHP php, php3, php4, php5
Pig pig
PkgConfig pkgconfig
PL/pgSQL plpgsql
plaintext text, plain, no-highlight
Plutus Core plutus-core, plc
Pony pony
PostgreSQL SQL dialect postgresql, postgres
PostScript postscript, postscr
POVRay pov
PowerQuery powerquery, pq
PowerShell powershell, posh, ps1, psm1, psd1, pwsh
Prolog prolog
Promela promela
PromQL promql
properties java-properties
Protocol Buffer protobuf, proto
PRQL prql
PSL psl
Puppet puppet
Python python, py, sage, python3, py3
Python 2 python2, py2
QBasic qbasic, basic
QML qml, qbs
R splus, s, r
Racket racket, rkt
Ragel ragel
react jsx, react
ReasonML reason, reasonml
reg registry
Rego rego
Rexx rexx, arexx
RPMSpec spec
Ruby rb, ruby, duby
Rust rust, rs
SAS sas
Sass sass
Scala scala
Scheme scheme, scm
Scilab scilab
SCSS scss
Sed sed, gsed, ssed
Sieve sieve
Smali smali
Smalltalk smalltalk, squeak, st
Smarty smarty
SNBT snbt
Snobol snobol
Solidity sol, solidity
SourcePawn sp
SPARQL sparql
SQL sql
SquidConf squidconf, squid.conf, squid
Standard ML sml
Stylus stylus
Swift swift
SYSTEMD systemd
systemverilog systemverilog, sv
TableGen tablegen
Tal tal, uxntal
TASM tasm
Tcl tcl
Tcsh tcsh, csh
Termcap termcap
Terminfo terminfo
Terraform terraform, tf
TeX tex, latex
Thrift thrift
TOML toml
TradingView tradingview, tv
Transact-SQL tsql, t-sql
Turing turing
Turtle turtle
Twig twig
TypeScript ts, tsx, typescript
TypoScript typoscript
TypoScriptCssData typoscriptcssdata
TypoScriptHtmlData typoscripthtmldata
Typst typst
V v, vlang
V shell vsh, vshell
Vala vala, vapi, vbnet
verilog verilog, v
VHDL vhdl
VHS vhs, tape, cassette
VimL vim
vue vue, vuejs
WebGPU Shading Language wgsl
WebVTT vtt
Whiley whiley
XML xml
Xorg xorg.conf
YAML yaml
YANG yang
Z80 Assembly z80
Zed zed
Zig zig
Caddyfile caddyfile, caddy
Caddyfile Directives caddyfile-directives, caddyfile-d, caddy-d
Genshi Text genshitext
Genshi HTML html+genshi, html+kid
Genshi genshi, kid, xml+genshi, xml+kid
Go HTML Template go-html-template
Go Text Template go-text-template
Go go, golang
Haxe hx, haxe, hxsl
HTTP http
markdown md, mkd
PHTML phtml
Raku perl6, pl6, raku
reStructuredText rst, rest, restructuredtext
Svelte svelte