- bug fix dl: resize error when element is hidden (#DS-3475) (#578) (12ef89f)
- bug fix docs: links after adding localization (#DS-3437) (#577) (1e2873b)
- bug fix dropdown: dynamic submenu rendering (#DS-3454) (#573) (1384d23)
- bug fix dropdown: item caption color (#DS-3342) (#570) (f92149c)
- bug fix select,tree-select: placeholder states (#DS-3390) (#580) (bd64016)
- bug fix textarea: save scroll position when out of viewport (#DS-2897) (#564) (e14c51f)
- bug fix tree: selection by metaKey (#DS-3453) (#575) (c903202)
- feature actions-panel: added new KbqActionsPanelModule (#DS-3113) (#519) (da948f8)
- feature docs,icon: updated koobiq/icons version (#DS-3411) (#572) (609aa95)
- feature experimental: updated focus frame for form-field (#DS-3425) (#568) (1a2a29d)
- feature filter-bar: added Filter Bar (Platform) (#DS-3133) (#470) (4233d9b)
- feature icon: added input for icon name (#DS-3420) (#574) (323491b)
- feature overflow-items: refactored to directive (#DS-3456) (#576) (339fe89)
- bug fix docs: manual installation guide rewritten (#DS-3415) (#560) (434a285)
- bug fix docs: non-blocking CI steps on error (#DS-3404) (#561) (ad07386)
- bug fix overflow-items: infinite visibility update (#DS-3450) (#567) (9d17df5)
- feature docs: added examples for kbq-select-trigger and kbq-select-matcher (#DS-3397, #DS-3393) (#563) (c2eaced)
- feature docs: added lang facetFilters for docsearch (#DS-3364) (#558) (b1fdd16)
- feature top-bar: init component (#DS-3126) (#525) (bac92cb)
- bug fix docs: recover docsearch (#DS-3364) (#557) (b816288)
- bug fix docs: welcome page image for design tokens (#DS-3360) (#555) (38a913e)
- bug fix common: show focus frame only when interacting with keyboard (#DS-1340) (#543) (b7cd4c5)
- bug fix datepicker: incorrect position for month and year selects (#DS-3427) (#556) (3e91ed9)
- bug fix datepicker: losing selected year (#DS-3396) (#547) (da74071)
- bug fix docs,link: removed color section (#DS-3398) (#551) (260cf6e)
- bug fix docs: restored select stackblitz examples (#DS-3330) (#552) (f8a8348)
- bug fix input: validation for kbqInputNumber is not working correctly (#DS-3379) (#548) (90574af)
- bug fix modal: styles for backdrop (#DS-3371) (#550) (ea0374d)
- bug fix popover: unexpected focus capture after closing (#DS-3159) (#542) (310cf22)
- bug fix schematics: ng-add resolved deps (#DS-3414) (#546) (cf06ba1)
- bug fix select: frame for invalid state (#DS-3430) (#554) (8d67902)
- bug fix tabs: incomplete underline styles in tab-nav-bar (#DS-3416) (#545) (58f40e2)
- feature markdown: bump marked version to 15 (#553) (86da2a6)
- bug fix button-toggle: added 2px focus line for item (#DS-3136) (#538) (917d21a)
- bug fix link: pseudo. removed bottom border in disabled state (#DS-3262) (#534) (1d4a8c6)
- bug fix select: focus frame only for .cdk-keyboard-focused (#DS-2606) (#537) (0a1b900)
- bug fix tabs: missing underline in tab-nav-bar (#DS-3405) (#540) (9537a16)
- bug fix update licence (65cb3c5)
- feature button-toggle,visual: removed hover from selected item (#DS-3278) (#532) (f627751)
- feature tree-select,select: removed redundant constants (#DS-3298) (#533) (25454e7)
- bug fix common: errors in SSR (#DS-3384) (#531) (3141b03)
- bug fix common: init focusMonitor in ngAfterViewInit (#DS-3368) (#528) (b576a46)
- feature formatter: added Türkmen locale (#DS-3302) (#520) (71118c7)
- feature overflow-items: added new KbqOverflowItemsModule (#DS-3113) (#527) (3cae73c)
- feature popover,tooltip: added adjusted arrow positioning (#DS-3369) (#529) (0e85e3e)
- bug fix common: added defaultOffsetY for popups (#DS-3205) (#524) (b772d0d)
- bug fix docs,modal: reveal modal examples section (#523) (721c3c5)
- feature docs: typography page actualization (#DS-2787) (#517) (cacb86c)
- feature init breadcrumbs component (#DS-2464) (#497) (0fed0ab)
- feature visual: bg-less shade for colored alert background (#DS-3321) (#511) (40a63c9)
- feature visual: border-radius in сombobox options (#DS-3290) (#522) (ef8a570)
- feature visual: removed legacy styling from optgroup-label (#DS-2652) (#521) (bbb1233)
- bug fix docs: added missing CdkScrollable for DocsComponentViewerComponent (#DS-3361) (#518) (cc6d34e)
- bug fix file-upload: added invalid empty state (#DS-3168) (#505) (e2ccb92)
- bug fix input: updated hint typography from text-normal-medium to text-normal (#DS-3189) (#508) (d61aade)
- bug fix scrollbar: select dropdowns do not scroll with the field (#DS-3308) (#507) (c1f56ba)
- bug fix tree-select: color for kbq-select-search-empty-result (#DS-3138) (#509) (44751b0)
- bug fix tree-select: delete unused code (#DS-3275) (#503) (1fcada4)
- feature modal: injector for modal (#DS-3025) (#510) (78be3f8)
- feature toast: migrated module to standalone (#DS-3328) (#513) (83ffa1b)
- bug fix docs: injected locale service for stackblitz example (#DS-3291) (#498) (0c7dac7)
- bug fix experimental: form-field focus (#DS-3273) (#490) (6ff773d)
- bug fix experimental: form-field selectors (#480) (0bb7dea)
- bug fix form-field: focus state in shadowRoot (#DS-3280) (#495) (ea20bc3)
- bug fix loader-overlay: typeError in mc-loader-overlay (#DS-3226) (#494) (ec455dd)
- bug fix modal: added modal-data token to public-api (#DS-3044) (#488) (fb7f58f)
- bug fix select: dropdown positioning and sizing (#DS-3234) (#485) (f1fbe69)
- bug fix sidepanel: disable capturing focus without backdrop (#DS-3073) (#504) (7f4841f)
- bug fix tooltip: tooltips inside select options (#DS-3252) (#500) (e2be788)
- bug fix tree-select: emit selectionChange event on clear (#DS-3292) (#501) (4643c34)
- bug fix tree-select: multiple focus frames in options (#DS-3135) (#499) (d179f8f)
- feature code-block: refactored KbqCodeBlockModule (#DS-3175) (#478) (92b870d)
- feature docs: added example with user data in toast (#DS-3122) (#487) (589044e)
- feature experimental: added utility provider functions (#492) (bd8197e)
- feature timezone: select search fix (#DS-3213) (#479) (78a05c9)
- feature timezone: set panelWidth to 'auto', panelMinWidth to '640' by default (#DS-3186) (#472) (b64ebb9)
- bug fix docs: added build-tokens script missing transform (#474) (f1b873b)
- bug fix sidepanel: prevent capturing focus on initialization without backdrop (#DS-3073) (#471) (bf0f569)
- feature docs: design-tokens page (#DS-2997) (#468) (44f09b4)
- feature form-field: autofill backgrounds (#DS-2873) (#476) (16e43f6)
- feature markdown: code with links styles (#DS-3218) (#473) (3605e00)
- bug fix common: support SSR (#DS-3147) (#465) (c29f62b)
- bug fix dl: last element margin (#DS-3207) (#467) (98f76b7)
- bug fix docs,tags: add missing FormsModule to enable correct tag addition (#DS-3109) (#461) (e81a79d)
- bug fix file-upload: link in upload error (#DS-2971) (#460) (d998b89)
- bug fix form-field: add missing tokens for hint (#DS-3188) (#463) (c8ad1bc)
- bug fix forms: vertical form label padding bottom (#DS-2717) (#459) (b17619e)
- bug fix icon: changed default icon color (#DS-3081) (#440) (1a0ff5c)
- bug fix popover: footer z-index if shadow (#DS-3204) (#466) (7035c36)
- bug fix popover: header z-index fix (#DS-3095) (#464) (a8b9326)
- bug fix perf: components tokens usage optimization (#DS-3117) (#453) (d53c76f)
- bug fix select: customMatcher error (#DS-3179) (#457) (802fc41)
- feature code-block: removed ngx-highlightjs dependency (#DS-3043) (#455) (4a252f8)
- feature link: new icon for external link (#DS-3020) (#451) (1144f99)
- feature scrollbar: removed overlayscrollbars from dependencies (#DS-2982) (#456) (e9aaac1)
- feature select: added support for panel width customization (#DS-2922) (#447) (db0dd2a)
- feature visual: updated border-radius for list components (#DS-2171) (#454) (26ed111)
- bug fix chore,schematics: schematics bundle imports (#449) (1513ea4)
- bug fix chore: updated date-related packages versions (#DS-3128) (#448) (0473a4b)
- bug fix common: unable to get overlay element in shadowRoot (#DS-3157) (#450) (ab6eec4)
- feature tabs: added pagination for KbqTabNavBar (#DS-3105) (#431) (c2c8e30)
- bug fix docs: missing icon in "badge content" example (#444) (324d70b)
- feature schematics: added migration script for product-icons (#DS-3124) (#434) (375b676)
- bug fix dropdown: icon in disabled state (#DS-3081) (#430) (ec38384)
- bug fix typography token mixin name (#439) (fc367c5)
- bug fix visual: md-typography styles prefix (#438) (d5a353a)
- feature badge: added contrast color (#DS-3079) (#441) (19e31ff)
- feature visual: cleanup old tokens (#DS-3071) (#428) (1e74156)
- bug fix button: buttons padding fixes (#DS-3103) (#426) (a5e3a53)
- bug fix toast: close-button margin (#DS-3116) (#425) (135efd8)
- bug fix docs: badge article edits after proofreading (#DS-3008) (#423) (68556be)
- bug fix normal radio vertical gap (#424) (57a8ee4)
- bug fix datepicker: trackBy function (#DS-3096) (#416) (db9ad11)
- bug fix docs: tabs article (#DS-2999) (#389) (02c16f9)
- bug fix loader-overlay: align border-radius with parentElement (#DS-2734) (#405) (59cba4a)
- bug fix tree,icon: aligned icons color with design (#DS-2875) (#411) (b50d2d1)
- bug fix visual: removed component tokens usage from code (#DS-2996) (#387) (3d02f2f)
- bug fix visual: removed unused scss utils (#400) (3bb7d03)
- bug fix visual: replaced component typography tokens with global tokens (#399) (04bf8a3)
- feature docs: bootstrap standalone examples (#415) (942b844)
- feature markdown: removed marked from peerDependencies, mirgrated KbqMarkdownModule to standalone (#DS-3049) (#393) (db5ad7f)
- feature schematics: removed marked (#407) (51a06b7)
- bug fix formatter: added impure pipes (#DS-2612) (#385) (5e2278e)
- bug fix visual: added missing tokens (#401) (33fc65b)
- bug fix icon: empty state (#DS-3028) (#383) (decd280)
- bug fix navbar: title font style (#DS-3023) (#394) (1952c34)
- feature code-block, timezone: localizability for code-block, timezone (#DS-2214) (#367) (9d0d519)
- feature docs,core: sync theme selectors in themeService with design-tokens package (#DS-3004) (#382) (2fd11a9)
- feature docs: updated docs for theming (#DS-2622) (#381) (48bfa48)
- feature file-upload: separated validation from file-upload (#DS-2554) (#377) (7581e1e)
- feature tooltip: added method showForElement (#DS-3027) (#386) (cb4351f)
- feature updated tokens for shadows in our components (#388) (d7eb9a8)
- bug fix docs: updated article content after review for accordion page (#371) (b6503d0)
- bug fix file-upload: mark single upload with kbq-error on hasError = tru… (#372) (4e120f6)
- bug fix number-input: errors in "number-input" without localeService (#DS-3016) (#378) (909dd6b)
- feature added experimental form-field (#DS-2838) (#288) (bf1cf30)
- feature experimental: added special selectors for experimental form-field components (#379) (18a9825)
- feature input: added property [integer] (#DS-1915) (#375) (0745c16)
- bug fix docs: Badge article typos (#DS-3008) (#370) (e8708f6)
- bug fix docs: revert constant for docs number (15f519a)
- bug fix update formatter and adapter (#DS-2903) (1cb3975)
- feature migrated to takeUntilDestroyed (#DS-2784) (#240) (d133bd9)
- bug fix accordion: additional fixes (#DS-2984) (#369) (6e36e1c)
- bug fix alert: aligned close button according to design (#DS-2886) (#356) (63c92d2)
- bug fix layout: removed map.get from properties used in styles (#DS-2972) (#365) (978caa2)
- bug fix schematics: added radix-ng to init (#363) (42f09ff)
- bug fix tabs: underline dark theme support (#DS-2961) (#359) (14ae5e8)
- feature added accordion (#DS-2932) (#341) (9097c91)
- feature docs,dropdown: set button to active on dropdown opened (#DS-2709) (#358) (11af6b4)
- feature docs: badges examples (#DS-2639) (#364) (aa71fdc)
- feature docs: updated 6 covers for our welcome page (#368) (77e75e0)
- feature modal: added shadows on scroll/overflow (#DS-2892) (#361) (a4e3743)
- feature tabs: full custom tab labels examples (#DS-2977) (#362) (0ce11d7)
- bug fix docs: corrected system-dependent theme selection on startup (#DS-2952) (#349) (6481970)
- bug fix docs: menu tab icon fixed (#DS-2926) (#331) (b70a5fd)
- bug fix hint: password hints fixes (#DS-2914) (#339) (1d69a7b)
- bug fix input: fractional value not displayed after initialization (#DS-2633) (#337) (6cb89f6)
- bug fix modal: close button in kbq-modal-title (#DS-2931) (#355) (7d09ca9)
- bug fix sandbox polyfills and tsconfigs (#330) (732e371)
- bug fix stackblitz: corrected styles of examples (#DS-2933) (#348) (44c38b8)
- bug fix timezone: added missing tokens (#353) (f6c5eed)
- bug fix tree: mouse click selection generates extra event (#DS-2900) (#332) (c5b07a3)
- bug fix typography: added .text-big-medium, .text-normal-medium and .text-compact-medium (#345) (a515f08)
- bug fix updated stackblitz files (#323) (f8937ea)
- feature docs: removed core-js polyfills (#325) (2589267)
- feature docs: tabs examples (#DS-2907) (#329) (f4e8bad)
- feature icon: migrated to standalone (#333) (53457cb)
- feature tabs: active tab underline transition (#DS-2935) (#343) (3e41a1d)
- feature tabs: new bordered tabs (#DS-2904) (#328) (5414245)
- feature tooltip: added parameter kbqRelativeToPointer (#DS-2864) (#326) (3b09b96)
- feature tooltip: migrated to standalone (#334) (97721d6)
- feature updated angular dependencies to 18.2.6, updated stackblitz configs (#322) (d1c7e22)
- bug fix list: multiple selection by keyboard on macos (#DS-2908) (#309) (722886f)
- bug fix navbar: kbq-vertical-navbar does not apply design-tokens (#DS-2911) (#318) (0bff8d0)
- feature angular 18 (#DS-2894) (#298) (9974ebf)
- feature icons: new icons pack (#DS-2567) (#86) (b392539)
- feature scrollbar: updated docs and migrated to standalone (#DS-2899) (#307) (b9c6695)
- feature updated CI dependencies (#313) (528ef95)
- feature updated Koobiq icons to 9.1 (0e86c64)
- feature visual,docs: moved from sass vars to css-vars (#296) (fbb9756)
- bug fix tooltip: tooltip in navbar (#DS-2909) (#308) (274a67f)
- feature migrate on booleanAttribute (#DS-2905) (#301) (97fc8e1)
- bug fix docs,cli,scrolling: stick to specific scrollbar lib version (#DS-2899) (#302) (2a72788)
- bug fix docs: stackblitz icon alignment (#300) (539f1b1)
- bug fix docs: updated kbd styles in table (#DS-2495) (#303) (71825f6)
- bug fix navbar: added tokens to vertical navbar (#304) (3adb052)
- bug fix docs: docs examples buttons margins incapsulated (#DS-2887) (#290) (58ae7cb)
- bug fix select: throws error when closed in sidepanel (#DS-2893) (#297) (b0f982c)
- feature migrated on new angular control flow (#DS-2872) (#284) (d8e3b90)
- feature visual: components theming with CSS-vars (#DS-2829) (#286) (7be2560)
- feature visual: components theming with CSS-vars (#DS-2833) (#295) (b4e92b4)
- feature visual: components theming with CSS-vars (#DS-2845) (#287) (960eafe)
- bug fix form-field: kbq-password-hint error (#DS-2868) (#277) (1fdbf29)
- bug fix markdown: fixed markdown tokens initialization (#291) (3528e93)
- feature code-block: components theming with CSS-vars (#DS-2806) (#271) (20d57d6)
- feature description-list: components theming with CSS-vars (#DS-2846) (#274) (fd0db45)
- feature divider: components theming with CSS-vars (#DS-2809) (#270) (fe09b49)
- feature docs: theme switch refactoring (#DS-2796) (#266) (1f5e0ae)
- feature empty-state: components theming with CSS-vars (#DS-2811) (#272) (54d48e4)
- feature file-upload: components theming with CSS-vars (#DS-2812) (#273) (e26cdaf)
- feature table: components theming with CSS-vars (#DS-2843) (#275) (df9afc7)
- feature textarea: components theming with CSS-vars (#DS-2835) (#283) (e73b9a5)
- feature timezone: components theming with CSS-vars (#DS-2836) (#282) (6b6d370)
- feature toast: components theming with CSS-vars (#DS-2837) (#281) (234a5c3)
- feature toggle: components theming with CSS-vars (#DS-2839) (#280) (5977376)
- feature tooltip: components theming with CSS-vars (#DS-2840) (#279) (bd9187e)
- feature tree-select: components theming with CSS-vars (#DS-2841) (#278) (290b077)
- feature tree: components theming with CSS-vars (#DS-2842) (#276) (7d34f44)
- feature visual: components theming with CSS-vars (#DS-2823) (#285) (be19c9e)
- bug fix api-gen build warnings (#253) (791114a)
- bug fix button-toggle: focus styling (#DS-2776) (#263) (a5ce429)
- bug fix markdowm: headings margins (#DS-2848) (#259) (dced216)
- bug fix modal: afterClose return type (#DS-2793) (#257) (91100a5)
- feature added components-experimental section (#258) (ef902f0)
- feature added default type value for modal return value (#254) (c87daed)
- feature alert,visual: theming with CSS variables (#DS-2679) (#208) (fe332ad)
- feature checkbox,button-toggle,button,badge,autocomplete: components theming with CSS-vars (#DS-2805) (#262) (223d195)
- feature docs,chore: added theme-less tokens,updated lines/contrast-fade (#DS-2803) (#261) (3db5611)
- feature modal: added KBQ_MODAL_DATA (#DS-2715) (#264) (1128223)
- feature pop-up: refactoring KbqPopUpTrigger, KbqPopUp (#DS-2852) (#260) (b50ba3c)
- feature updated package scripts (#249) (45e1f91)
- feature visual: components theming with CSS-vars (#DS-2817 (#267) (34dc444)
- bug fix modal: return type (#DS-2702) (#243) (07a356a)
- bug fix number: input number stepper arrow fix (#DS-2790) (#246) (d3100f4)
- bug fix popover: close button background dark-theme (#251) (fb3b3da)
- bug fix resolved stackblitz warnings (#DS-2785) (#239) (ff0352b)
- feature added stylelint rule - selector-no-union-class-name (#DS-2783) (#236) (0188817)
- feature docs: examples for datepicker (#DS-2744) (#232) (00537a7)
- feature docs: popover new docs (#DS-2731) (#215) (4270d36)
- feature docs: updated tsconfig paths (#247) (9f34855)
- feature markdown: markdown fixes styles + markdown new docs (#DS-2629) (#187) (c66034a)
- feature popover: add closable (#DS-2754) (#214) (9bb36af)
- feature popover: content shadows if scroll (#DS-2753) (#237) (1778e51)
- feature refactored tools/api-gen module (#DS-2766) (#241) (aefc57b)
- feature removed unused file for public_api_guard (#248) (ed83b97)
- feature renamed stackblitz demo module (#DS-2782) (#234) (72b13af)
- feature visual, navbar: applied new tokens for components, updated navbar styles (#DS-2786) (#244) (87beeb8)
- bug fix docs,chore: docs api gen within CI (#227) (36e9cb1)
- bug fix revert pnpm migration (#222) (37fb6d1)
- bug fix tabs: prevent closing popover on scroll in tab (#DS-2749) (#224) (baef7c9)
- bug fix typography: initialize base typography with use of css-vars (#DS-2757) (#229) (f84045b)
- bug fix visual: corrected kbq-css vars typos & added kbq-css-vars for properties with map.get only (#DS-2756) (#225) (7421ab7)
- feature docs: added support root tsconfig (#DS-2775) (#231) (d179528)
- feature migrated apps/docs from karma+jasmine to jest (#DS-2765) (#226) (cbff3e3)
- feature migrated packages/components from jasmine/karma to jest (#DS-2694) (#196) (8b218e9)
- bug fix docs: added @docsearch/css dependency (#212) (d99030b)
- bug fix hide tooltip and popover on disable (#DS-2733) (#218) (75234dd)
- bug fix toast: close icon top by calc variables (#DS-2738) (#207) (7d0bd50)
- feature migrated from yarn to pnpm (#DS-2687) (#209) (6d62e7b)
- feature removed card component (#DS-2534) (#203) (5df8982)
- feature tooltip: arrowless & error, warning colors (#DS-2645) (#210) (6ae1371)
- feature updated design-tokens 3.3.1 (#219) (29d11c7)
- bug fix datepicker: use min/max in calendar in input (#DS-2610) (#204) (3dbf830)
- bug fix toast: added kbq-title for toasts (#DS-2726) (#197) (31ffc94)
- bug fix toggle: disabled label fix (#DS-2742) (#206) (75bf533)
- feature navbar: added option [openOver] for kbq-vertical-navbar (#DS-2714) (#198) (214a9ad)
- feature styles: add new variables mixins (#DS-2727) (#200) (ef84ffa)
- bug fix docs: docsearch always finds nothing (#199) (7afd0ed)
- bug fix docs: fixed calendar doubleclicks (#DS-2728) (#195) (96afcc6)
- feature added restore version.ts in pre-commit hook (#202) (905f7d1)
- feature code-block: show actionbar on hover/focus (#DS-2335) (#184) (529e681)
- bug fix datepicker: short month name select (#DS-2684) (#190) (a55922c)
- bug fix docs: fixed last example in list (#DS-2711) (#186) (7288755)
- bug fix docs: fixed stackblitz button name (#DS-2720) (#191) (84025b2)
- bug fix toast: fixed long names in toasts (#DS-2707) (#188) (a83a0fb)
- bug fix toggle: toggles vertical fix (#DS-2713) (#189) (5811b8d)
- feature update design tokens to 3.0.0 (#193) (29b59a9)
- bug fix button: added focus outline (#DS-2708) (#183) (a50ea70)
- bug fix docs: alert - article and examples (#DS-2584) (#103) (6004396)
- bug fix file-upload: fixed long files names (#DS-2641) (#147) (658e7e9)
- bug fix list: fixed option icon size by list line-height variables (#DS-2710) (#185) (e74bf3f)
- bug fix modal: fixed scroll if childs contains radio or toggle (#DS-2701) (#182) (0f964fd)
- bug fix select,tree-select: item width calculation (#DS-2649) (#175) (a3cf1cc)
- bug fix tabs: Incorrect text placement in kbq-tab-link (#DS-2675) (#176) (8a154b5)
- bug fix tabs: labels icons fix (#DS-2698) (#169) (0b98162)
- feature added eslint support, removed tslint (#DS-2654) (#168) (f357e5c)
- feature buttons: new tokens borders and focused outlines (#DS-2662) (#174) (25582e2)
- feature updated design-tokens to rc15 (#172) (3a3ddf8)
- feature updated husky and lint-staged (#180) (fe356c6)
- bug fix button: fixed progress animation (speed, line, colors) (#165) (0b92651)
- bug fix docs: default font (#DS-2648) (#151) (33eb788)
- bug fix link: icons vertical position fixed in links (#DS-2697) (#167) (f178916)
- bug fix toast: new toast icon padding (#DS-2657) (#161) (64e17fa)
- bug fix typography: font-style italic fix (#DS-2671) (#153) (bfa0189)
- feature docs: added icon-items (#DS-2636) (#155) (31faf22)
- feature migrated from jasmine/karma to jest (#DS-2192) (#154) (2834488)
- bug fix datepicker, timepicker: lost focus after backspace/delete (#DS-2492) (#145) (39c5476)
- bug fix docs: example start command change (#DS-2529) (#142) (e88b5e7)
- bug fix docs: examples, api sections selection and scroll after link opened (#DS-2478) (#148) (efe9e29)
- bug fix docs: update tokens for disabled radio (#DS-2635) (#146) (a9d24a9)
- bug fix dropdown: focused keyboard dropdown items fix (#DS-2665) (#158) (c25d41d)
- bug fix link: alignment of the icon relative to the text (#DS-2690) (#163) (78a3527)
- bug fix list: replaced all size/padding tokens with css variables and fi… (#132) (f00229c)
- bug fix modal: text in modal title is not cut off (#DS-2430) (#149) (c798080)
- bug fix navbar: fixed navbar dropdown (#DS-2558) (#131) (8001b6d)
- bug fix radio: fixed disabled radio styles (#DS-2666) (#143) (d0836d8)
- bug fix radio: radio icon top positions fixed (#DS-2691) (#162) (b8aa831)
- bug fix sidepanel: fixed sidepanel max width (#DS-2314) (#141) (7f55e8f)
- bug fix tree-select: localization for hiddenItemsText (#DS-2680) (#157) (fcb79cb)
- feature added prettier support for html, xml files (#DS-2653) (#152) (600099a)
- feature added prettier support for json, js, ts files (#DS-2569) (#136) (df94377)
- feature docs: updated example code block show (#DS-2602) (#150) (ab70e78)
- feature docs: welcome page - new images for empty state (#DS-2668) (#156) (8d003bf)
- feature timepicker: placeholder and view value localization (#DS-2059) (#144) (c094f61)
- bug fix badge: outline badges borders color (#DS-3640) (#139) (dbe5a60)
- bug fix button: background for filled-contrast-fade-[off/on]-states-disabled-background (53fd6e6)
- bug fix docs,toast: single stack of toasts (#DS-2541) (#140) (7bcd539)
- bug fix docs: fixed Algolia crawler (1a9d5d4)
- bug fix docs: highlight selected item (#DS-2597) (#137) (70a78a5)
- bug fix select: "show more" text calculations (#DS-2649) (#135) (6d2d962)
- feature added prettier support for markdown and yaml (#DS-2650) (#133) (ca5d770)
- feature added prettier support for stylelint (#DS-2568) (#130) (eb9ff28)
- feature docs: theming article rewrite (#DS-2544) (#114) (14756c3)
- feature empty-state: added empty-state (#DS-2572) (#129) (d0fe7d8)
- bug fix checkbox: added background to pseudo (#DS-2643) (#126) (1887d9d)
- feature docs: moved sitemap.xml and robots.txt to root (#127) (846c4a4)
- bug fix box-shadow gpu lines (#115) (f98188c)
- bug fix cspell: ru json cspell fixes (#122) (adfcfef)
- bug fix dropdown: missprint changeDetectorRef fix (#DS-2594) (#117) (f497045)
- bug fix missprint MM_CHANNGEL_NAME fix (#DS-2590) (#119) (3856385)
- bug fix navbar: fixed vetical align icons + kbq-navbar-title styles (#DS-2595) (#123) (0312d13)
- bug fix popover: fixed popovers buttons content (#DS-2527) (#120) (1af475e)
- bug fix select: move footer, trigger, matcher and search in common (#DS-2496) (#116) (c6b65ef)
- bug fix styles: border-radius misstype fix (#DS-2591) (#121) (10af7cd)
- bug fix toast: improved toastService timer performance (#DS-2521) (#96) (e5d6913)
- bug fix visual: remove paddings in side-panel code-block (#DS-2293) (#105) (ea3b737)
- feature docs: added algolia docsearch support (#DS-2503) (#107) (3da797e)
- feature docs: auto hiding scrollbar in docs sidenav menu (#DS-2589) (#118) (c5af038)
- feature docs: New Sections for Radio Component (#DS-1483) (#91) (f0ae49e)
- feature tabs: use tabId as selection key (#DS-1036) (#109) (4f648e0)
- feature tag-input,autocomplete: disable tag creation by the paste event (#DS-2455) (#125) (062c335)
- feature visual: update sizes for components (#DS-2168) (#99) (dc2f7ab)
- bug fix build: peers placeholders (#DS-2621) (#111) (2a5478b)
- bug fix timepicker: don't change model onBlur (#DS-2355) (#110) (3cd2f5f)
- bug fix visual: kbq-title with inline blocks (#DS-2451) (#97) (a390fea)
- bug fix visual: welcome page images fixed (#DS-2583) (#113) (ee89638)
- feature docs: new welcome page (#DS-2583) (#102) (4c35196)
- feature icon-item: Icon Item - big size, fade variant (#DS-2587) (#108) (a68d42a)
- feature styles: css-variables (#DS-2338) (#100) (3334d72)
- bug fix alert: colors in dark theme (#DS-2555) (#92) (0018344)
- bug fix alert: icon container alignment (#DS-2519) (#87) (bd0de72)
- bug fix code-block: "show all" position when expanded (#DS-2518) (#85) (db453f0)
- bug fix dropdown,list: caption layout & heading, subheading fonts/colors (#DS-2461) (#75) (6e1904b)
- bug fix validation: alert styles (#DS-2540) (#83) (173938d)
- feature chore: added cspell support for markdown files (#DS-2570) (#94) (d9c15b5)
- revert Revert "refactor(docs): renamed sections (#DS-2535) (#88)" (80d4969)
- bug fix docs,chore: marked update (#DS-2536) (#82) (ea22b29)
- bug fix docs,chore: ts -> mts (#DS-2401) (#80) (cc44707)
- bug fix icon-item: added warning color, fixed tokens after removal in design-tokens repo (#DS-2510) (#54) (dd6199f)
- bug fix icon: warning style (DS-2485) (#77) (87cd7ff)
- bug fix select: prevent closing under modal (#DS-2488) (#76) (e864f60)
- feature docs: alert v2 documentation text (#DS-2343) (#45) (9e389c8)
- feature input: input password font -> mono (#DS-2502) (#73) (663b6b4)
- feature table: added Table (#DS-1820) (#72) (1365df2)
- bug fix alert: removed fixed size (#DS-2507) (#52) (deec313)
- bug fix chore: removed trailing whitespace in generate-changelog folder (#43) (1ab320a)
- bug fix code-block: scroll with keyboard (#DS-2336) (#40) (78389ed)
- bug fix docs,chore: removed dependency from nodeJS version (#DS-2476) (#44) (741c1a4)
- bug fix docs: layout styles override (#DS-2460) (#50) (4428101)
- bug fix docs: updated icons path (#DS-2498) (#51) (eb0b03a)
- bug fix splitter: Splitter isn't working with dynamic data (#DS-2487) (#53) (800ffce)
- bug fix textarea: canGrow properties initialization (#DS-2452) (#38) (7a19c73)
- feature css-variables for colors (#DS-2338) WIP (#41) (dfc7580)
- feature docs: Updating Docs for Datepicker & Timepicker (#DS-2398) (#36) (6cd7bce)
- feature link: added css-class for active state (#DS-2436) (#34) (68b2110)
- feature loader-overlay: switched default filled to transparent (#DS-2024) (#48) (8c002a7)
- feature toast: toast 2.0 (#DS-2360) (#39) (6eeab98)
- bug fix docs,toggle: example for "big toggles" (#DS-2479) (#22) (9ac0a28)
- bug fix docs: aligned img content to layout (#DS-2407) (#25) (b9b4a28)
- bug fix select, tree-select, dropdown: dropdown slowly opening (#DS-2394) (#18) (bcf52a6)
- bug fix textarea: title & required attributes behavior (#DS-2449) (#28) (55b88d6)
- bug fix tokens: changes according to new tokens structure (#DS-2306) (#20) (0c4428c)
- bug fix tooltip: consider focus origin when show (#DS-2406) (#33) (7679ea6)
- feature alert: alert 2.0 (#DS-2342) (#30) (31146d9)
- feature core: Implement localization in DataSizePipe (#DS-2431) (#26) (8aecb01)
- feature docs: added ToC to examples (#DS-2449) (#27) (d66682e)
- feature docs: changing the order of tabs in the example code block (#DS-2477) (#19) (c626a34)
- feature styles: added strong (#DS-2485) (#29) (5236932)
- bug fix docs: fix path for tokens builder (b5c30bc)
- bug fix docs: styles and animating for docs-sidenav (0ca381c)
- bug fix docs: A hidden menu appears in the documentation on mobile(#DS-2397) (#14) (4aea3af)
- bug fix select, tree-select: the focus is not reset from the option (disabled=true) (#DS-2409) (#6) (0d65982)
- bug fix select: button click works only on the second attempt (#DS-2443) (#9) (3adf99c)
- bug fix select: single element in the search is not highlighted (#DS-2450) (#13) (182b0d5)
- feature chore: update tokens (#17) (f49ef74)
- feature ci: added schematic for ng-add (#DS-2475) (#16) (0615572)
- feature docs,tree: different multiple tree selection examples (#DS-2306) (#12) (db6cfe0)
- feature file-upload: control-value-accessor (#DS-2199) (#10) (5623ca2)
- feature improve migration (14002fb)