Releases: koobiq/angular-components
Releases · koobiq/angular-components
- bug fix accordion: additional fixes (#DS-2984) (#369) (6e36e1c)
- bug fix alert: aligned close button according to design (#DS-2886) (#356) (63c92d2)
- bug fix layout: removed map.get from properties used in styles (#DS-2972) (#365) (978caa2)
- bug fix schematics: added radix-ng to init (#363) (42f09ff)
- bug fix tabs: underline dark theme support (#DS-2961) (#359) (14ae5e8)
- feature added accordion (#DS-2932) (#341) (9097c91)
- feature docs,dropdown: set button to active on dropdown opened (#DS-2709) (#358) (11af6b4)
- feature docs: badges examples (#DS-2639) (#364) (aa71fdc)
- feature docs: updated 6 covers for our welcome page (#368) (77e75e0)
- feature modal: added shadows on scroll/overflow (#DS-2892) (#361) (a4e3743)
- feature tabs: full custom tab labels examples (#DS-2977) (#362) (0ce11d7)
18.1.0 (2024-10-09)
- bug fix docs: corrected system-dependent theme selection on startup (#DS-2952) (#349) (6481970)
- bug fix docs: menu tab icon fixed (#DS-2926) (#331) (b70a5fd)
- bug fix hint: password hints fixes (#DS-2914) (#339) (1d69a7b)
- bug fix input: fractional value not displayed after initialization (#DS-2633) (#337) (6cb89f6)
- bug fix modal: close button in kbq-modal-title (#DS-2931) (#355) (7d09ca9)
- bug fix sandbox polyfills and tsconfigs (#330) (732e371)
- bug fix stackblitz: corrected styles of examples (#DS-2933) (#348) (44c38b8)
- bug fix timezone: added missing tokens (#353) (f6c5eed)
- bug fix tree: mouse click selection generates extra event (#DS-2900) (#332) (c5b07a3)
- bug fix typography: added .text-big-medium, .text-normal-medium and .text-compact-medium (#345) (a515f08)
- bug fix updated stackblitz files (#323) (f8937ea)
- feature docs: removed core-js polyfills (#325) (2589267)
- feature docs: tabs examples (#DS-2907) (#329) (f4e8bad)
- feature icon: migrated to standalone (#333) (53457cb)
- feature tabs: active tab underline transition (#DS-2935) (#343) (3e41a1d)
- feature tabs: new bordered tabs (#DS-2904) (#328) (5414245)
- feature tooltip: added parameter kbqRelativeToPointer (#DS-2864) (#326) (3b09b96)
- feature tooltip: migrated to standalone (#334) (97721d6)
- feature updated angular dependencies to 18.2.6, updated stackblitz configs (#322) (d1c7e22)
- bug fix list: multiple selection by keyboard on macos (#DS-2908) (#309) (722886f)
- bug fix navbar: kbq-vertical-navbar does not apply design-tokens (#DS-2911) (#318) (0bff8d0)
- feature angular 18 (#DS-2894) (#298) (9974ebf)
- feature icons: new icons pack (#DS-2567) (#86) (b392539)
- feature scrollbar: updated docs and migrated to standalone (#DS-2899) (#307) (b9c6695)
- feature updated CI dependencies (#313) (528ef95)
- feature updated Koobiq icons to 9.1 (0e86c64)
- feature visual,docs: moved from sass vars to css-vars (#296) (fbb9756)
- bug fix docs: docs examples buttons margins incapsulated (#DS-2887) (#290) (58ae7cb)
- bug fix select: throws error when closed in sidepanel (#DS-2893) (#297) (b0f982c)
- feature migrated on new angular control flow (#DS-2872) (#284) (d8e3b90)
- feature visual: components theming with CSS-vars (#DS-2829) (#286) (7be2560)
- feature visual: components theming with CSS-vars (#DS-2833) (#295) (b4e92b4)
- feature visual: components theming with CSS-vars (#DS-2845) (#287) (960eafe)
- bug fix form-field: kbq-password-hint error (#DS-2868) (#277) (1fdbf29)
- bug fix markdown: fixed markdown tokens initialization (#291) (3528e93)
- feature code-block: components theming with CSS-vars (#DS-2806) (#271) (20d57d6)
- feature description-list: components theming with CSS-vars (#DS-2846) (#274) (fd0db45)
- feature divider: components theming with CSS-vars (#DS-2809) (#270) (fe09b49)
- feature docs: theme switch refactoring (#DS-2796) (#266) (1f5e0ae)
- feature empty-state: components theming with CSS-vars (#DS-2811) (#272) (54d48e4)
- feature file-upload: components theming with CSS-vars (#DS-2812) (#273) (e26cdaf)
- feature table: components theming with CSS-vars (#DS-2843) (#275) (df9afc7)
- feature textarea: components theming with CSS-vars (#DS-2835) (#283) (e73b9a5)
- feature timezone: components theming with CSS-vars (#DS-2836) (#282) (6b6d370)
- feature toast: components theming with CSS-vars (#DS-2837) (#281) (234a5c3)
- feature toggle: components theming with CSS-vars (#DS-2839) (#280) (5977376)
- feature tooltip: components theming with CSS-vars (#DS-2840) (#279) (bd9187e)
- feature tree-select: components theming with CSS-vars (#DS-2841) (#278) (290b077)
- feature tree: components theming with CSS-vars (#DS-2842) (#276) (7d34f44)
- feature visual: components theming with CSS-vars (#DS-2823) (#285) (be19c9e)