File tree
9,521 files changed
lines changed- vendor
- bigquery
- benchmarks
- datatransfer/apiv1
- bigtable
- bttest
- cmd
- cbt
- emulator
- loadtest
- scantest
- internal
- cbtconfig
- gax
- option
- stat
- testdata
- civil
- cmd/go-cloud-debug-agent
- internal
- breakpoints
- controller
- valuecollector
- container
- apiv1
- dataproc/apiv1
- datastore
- testdata
- debugger/apiv2
- dlp
- apiv2
- apiv2beta1
- errorreporting
- apiv1beta1
- firestore
- apiv1beta1
- genproto
- internal
- testdata
- iam
- admin/apiv1
- internal
- atomiccache
- btree
- fields
- kokoro
- optional
- pretty
- protostruct
- readme
- testdata
- snipdoc
- testutil
- trace
- tracecontext
- version
- language
- apiv1
- apiv1beta2
- logging
- apiv2
- internal
- testing
- logadmin
- longrunning
- autogen
- monitoring/apiv3
- oslogin/apiv1beta
- privacy/dlp/apiv2beta2
- profiler
- busybench
- mocks
- proftest
- pubsub
- apiv1
- internal/distribution
- loadtest
- cmd
- pb
- pstest
- rpcreplay
- proto
- intstore
- rpcreplay
- spanner
- admin
- database/apiv1
- instance/apiv1
- apiv1
- internal/testutil
- speech
- apiv1
- apiv1beta1
- storage
- testdata
- trace
- apiv1
- apiv2
- testdata/helloworld
- translate
- internal/translate/v2
- videointelligence
- apiv1
- apiv1beta1
- apiv1beta2
- vision
- apiv1
- apiv1p1beta1
- davecgh/go-spew
- spew/testdata
- emicklei/go-restful
- examples
- google_app_engine
- datastore
- msgpack
- ghodss/yaml
- go-logr
- logr
- examples
- testing
- zapr
- gobuffalo/envy
- test_env
- gogo/protobuf
- codec
- conformance
- internal/conformance_proto
- gogoproto
- gogoreplace
- io
- jsonpb
- jsonpb_test_proto
- plugin
- compare
- defaultcheck
- description
- embedcheck
- enumstringer
- equal
- face
- gostring
- marshalto
- oneofcheck
- populate
- size
- stringer
- testgen
- union
- unmarshal
- proto
- proto3_proto
- test_proto
- protobuf
- google/protobuf
- compiler
- protoc-gen-combo
- protoc-gen-gofast
- protoc-gen-gogo
- descriptor
- generator
- internal/remap
- grpc
- plugin
- testdata
- deprecated
- extension_base
- extension_extra
- extension_user
- grpc
- import_public
- sub
- imports
- fmt
- test_a_1
- test_a_2
- test_b_1
- multi
- my_test
- proto3
- protoc-gen-gogofast
- protoc-gen-gogofaster
- protoc-gen-gogoslick
- protoc-gen-gogotypes
- protoc-gen-gostring
- protoc-min-version
- test
- asymetric-issue125
- cachedsize
- casttype
- combos
- both
- marshaler
- neither
- unmarshaler
- castvalue
- combos
- both
- marshaler
- unmarshaler
- combos
- both
- marshaler
- unmarshaler
- custom
- custom-dash-type
- custombytesnonstruct
- dashfilename
- data
- defaultconflict
- deterministic
- embedconflict
- empty-issue70
- enumcustomname
- enumdecl
- enumdecl_all
- enumprefix
- enumstringer
- example
- filedotname
- fuzztests
- group
- importcustom-issue389
- imported
- importing
- importdedup
- subpkg
- importduplicate
- proto
- sortkeys
- indeximport-issue72
- index
- int64support
- issue260
- issue261
- issue262
- issue270
- a
- b
- issue312
- events
- issue322
- issue330
- issue34
- issue427
- issue42order
- issue8
- jsonpb-gogo
- mapdefaults
- combos
- both
- marshaler
- neither
- unmarshaler
- mapsproto2
- combos
- both
- marshaler
- neither
- unmarshaler
- merge
- mixbench
- moredefaults
- nopackage
- oneof
- combos
- both
- marshaler
- neither
- unmarshaler
- oneof3
- combos
- both
- marshaler
- neither
- unmarshaler
- oneofembed
- packed
- proto3extension
- protosize
- registration
- required
- sizerconflict
- sizeunderscore
- stdtypes
- tags
- theproto3
- combos
- both
- marshaler
- neither
- unmarshaler
- typedecl
- typedecl_all
- typedeclimport
- subpkg
- types
- combos
- both
- marshaler
- neither
- unmarshaler
- unmarshalmerge
- unrecognized
- unrecognizedgroup
- types
- vanity
- command
- test
- fast
- faster
- gofast
- slick
- version
- golang
- glog
- groupcache
- consistenthash
- groupcachepb
- singleflight
- testpb
- protobuf
- conformance
- internal/conformance_proto
- descriptor
- jsonpb
- jsonpb_test_proto
- proto
- proto3_proto
- test_proto
- protoc-gen-go
- descriptor
- generator
- internal/remap
- grpc
- plugin
- testdata
- deprecated
- extension_base
- extension_extra
- extension_user
- grpc
- import_public
- sub
- imports
- fmt
- test_a_1
- test_a_2
- test_b_1
- multi
- my_test
- proto3
- ptypes
- any
- duration
- empty
- struct
- timestamp
- wrappers
- google/gofuzz
- googleapis/gnostic
- OpenAPIv2
- OpenAPIv3
- schema-generator
- apps
- disco
- petstore-builder
- report
- compiler
- discovery
- examples
- errors
- v2.0
- json
- petstore-separate
- common
- spec
- yaml
- petstore-separate
- common
- spec
- v3.0
- json
- yaml
- extensions
- sample
- generate-gnostic
- test
- errors
- jsonschema
- jsonwriter
- plugins
- gnostic-analyze
- statistics
- summarize
- gnostic-go-generator
- examples
- googleauth
- v2.0
- apis_guru
- bookstore
- service
- xkcd
- v3.0
- bookstore
- service
- urlshortener
- gnostic-summary
- gnostic-swift-generator
- Sources
- Gnostic
- gnostic-swift-generator
- examples/bookstore
- Sources/Server
- Tests
- BookstoreTests
- gnostic-swift-sample
- Sources
- Gnostic
- gnostic-swift-sample
- printer
- surface
- test
- errors
- v2.0
- yaml
- petstore-separate/spec
- v3.0
- tools
- format-schema
- j2y2j
- hashicorp/golang-lru
- howeyc/gopass
- hpcloud/tail
- Godeps
- cmd/gotail
- imdario/mergo
- testdata
- inconshreveable/mousetrap
- joho/godotenv
- autoload
- cmd/godotenv
- fixtures
- json-iterator/go
- extra
- kubernetes-sigs/kubebuilder
- build
- gitbook
- config
- thirdparty
- brodocs
- darwin
- linux
- cmd
- internal/codegen
- parse
- kubebuilder
- build
- create
- config
- controller
- example
- resource
- util
- docs
- generate
- initproject
- run
- update
- util
- v0
- v1
- version
- kubebuilder-gen
- codegen
- run
- internal
- controllergen
- resourcegen
- docs
- book
- basics
- beyond_basics
- getting_started
- node_modules
- abab
- lib
- acorn
- bin
- dist
- src
- bin
- loose
- walk
- acorn-globals
- ajv
- dist
- lib
- compile
- dot
- dotjs
- refs
- scripts
- ansi-regex
- ansi-styles
- asn1
- lib
- ber
- tst/ber
- assert-plus
- async
- lib
- support
- asynckit
- lib
- aws-sign2
- aws4
- balanced-match
- bcrypt-pbkdf
- bl
- node_modules
- isarray
- process-nextick-args
- readable-stream
- doc
- wg-meetings
- lib
- test
- boolbase
- boom
- lib
- brace-expansion
- caseless
- chalk
- cheerio
- lib
- api
- co
- colors
- examples
- lib
- custom
- maps
- system
- screenshots
- tests
- themes
- combined-stream
- lib
- commander
- typings
- concat-map
- example
- test
- concat-stream
- node_modules
- isarray
- readable-stream
- doc/wg-meetings
- lib
- internal/streams
- string_decoder
- lib
- core-util-is
- lib
- cryptiles
- lib
- node_modules/boom
- lib
- css-select
- lib
- css-what
- cssom
- lib
- cssstyle
- lib
- properties
- scripts
- tests
- cycle
- dashdash
- etc
- lib
- debug
- src
- deep-is
- example
- test
- delayed-stream
- lib
- dom-serializer
- node_modules/domelementtype
- domelementtype
- domhandler
- lib
- test
- cases
- domutils
- lib
- test
- tests
- ecc-jsbn
- lib
- entities
- lib
- maps
- test
- es6-promise
- dist
- lib
- es6-promise
- promise
- escape-string-regexp
- escodegen
- bin
- esprima
- bin
- dist
- estraverse
- esutils
- lib
- extend
- extract-zip
- extsprintf
- lib
- eyes
- lib
- test
- fast-deep-equal
- fast-json-stable-stringify
- benchmark
- example
- test
- fast-levenshtein
- fd-slicer
- test
- forever-agent
- form-data
- lib
- fs-extra
- lib
- copy
- copy-sync
- empty
- ensure
- json
- mkdirs
- move
- output
- remove
- util
- walk
- walk-sync
- fs.realpath
- generate-function
- generate-object-property
- getpass
- lib
- gitbook-plugin-ga
- book
- gitbook-plugin-panel
- assets
- fonts
- gitbook-plugin-search
- _layouts/website
- assets
- gitbook-plugin-sequence-diagrams
- assets
- gitbook-plugin-theme-api
- _layouts/website
- assets
- img
- src
- js
- less
- themes
- website
- glob
- graceful-fs
- har-schema
- lib
- har-validator
- lib
- has-ansi
- hasha
- hawk
- dist
- lib
- hoek
- lib
- htmlparser2
- lib
- node_modules/entities
- lib
- maps
- test
- test
- Documents
- Events
- Feeds
- Stream
- http-signature
- lib
- inflight
- inherits
- is-my-ip-valid
- fixtures
- is-my-json-valid
- test
- fixtures
- json-schema-draft4
- is-property
- is-stream
- is-typedarray
- isarray
- build
- isexe
- test
- isstream
- jsbn
- jsdom
- lib
- jsdom
- browser
- level1
- level2
- languages
- level3
- living
- attributes
- events
- generated
- helpers
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
9,521 files changed
lines changed+1-3
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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17 | 17 |
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18 | 18 |
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19 | 19 |
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| 20 | + | |
| 21 | + | |
20 | 22 |
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21 | 23 |
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22 | 24 |
| |
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This file was deleted.
This file was deleted.
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