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How to DEBUG

DEBUG: start with process locally

  • Credentials

    To run KubeDL locally, you must have the access to the kubernetes cluster, the credential is a distributed kube-config cert file.

  • Install CRDs and run KubeDL operator

    // or specify the path by --kubeconfig {PATH_TO_CONFIG}
    make install
    make run

KubeDL supports running workloads selectively. You can enable a specific workload by parsing the parameter --workloads {workload-to-debug} while starting KubeDL. Check the printed logs to see if the job controller is started as expected.

DEBUG: start with Pod

The followings are the steps to debug KubeDL operator using Pod.

  • Install docker

    Following the official docker installation guide.

  • Install minikube**

    Follow the official minikube installation guide.

  • Develop customized KubeDL operator

    Make your own code changes and validate the build by running make manager in KubeDL directory.

  • Deploy customized operator

    Your customized operator will be deployed as a replicaset to replace the original KubeDL operator. The deployment can be done via the following steps assuming a clean environment:

    • Prerequisites: create new/use existing dock hub account ($DOCKERID), and create a kubedl repository in it. Also, install KubeDL CRDs;

    • step 1: docker login with the $DOCKERID account;

    • step 2: export IMG=<image_name> to specify the target image name. e.g., export IMG=$DOCKERID/kubedl:test;

    • step 3: make docker-build to build the image locally;

    • step 4: make docker-push to push the image to dock hub under the kubedl repository;

    • step 5: change the config/manager/all_in_one.yaml and replace the image of the kubedl deployment to $DOCKERID/kubedl:test

              - command:
                  - /manager
                  - "--workloads {workload-to-debug}"
                image: $DOCKERID/kubedl:test
                imagePullPolicy: Always
                name: kubedl
    • step 6: kubectl delete deployment kubedl-controller-manager -n kubedl to remove the old deployment if any;

    • step 7: kubectl apply -f config/manager/all_in_one.yaml to install the new deployment with the customized operator image;

You can now perform manual tests and use kubectl logs kubedl-controller-manager-0 -n kubedl-system to check controller logs for debugging.