We are running Gatekeeper as a validating webhook on GKE (although I don't think the webhook implementation or cloud provider matters) and we have a test where we perform a rolling update of Gatekeeper while continuously making Kubernetes API requests that should be rejected to ensure requests/connections are being drained properly.
However, if we also delete Konnectivity Agent Pods while rolling Gatekeeper (gradually, to ensure that the Konnectivity Agent Pods aren't all down at the same time) or perform a rolling update (kubectl rollout restart deployment -n kube-system konnectivity-agent
) then a few requests are allowed through (the ValidatingWebhookConfiguration
is configured to fail open).
My question is whether this is an issue or whether Konnectivity Agent is behaving as expected? I guess this is happening because the long-lived HTTP keepalive connections between the Kubernetes API server and Gatekeeper (via Konnectivity Server and Konnectivity Agent) are being broken when Konnectivity Agent terminates and are not being drained properly (because there is no way for Konnectivity Agent to inspect the encrypted requests and disable keepalive before shutting down).
Should the Kubernetes API server be able to detect such TCP disconnects and retry validation after reconnecting?