In issue #2016 @dlipovetsky correctly suggested the opposite be true:
We recently implemented control plane scale up. If the desired number of control plane machines exceeds the actual number, and at least one control plane machine exists, the controller will create multiple machines in parallel. (Once created, each machine runs
kubeadm join --control-plane
).I think we should scale up control planes serially. Before creating an additional control plane machine, we should verify that every etcd member has started. We could also verify that the etcd cluster has quorum (if it does not have quorum, creating a new machine might be a waste of time and resources. On the other hand, if it does have quorum, it might lose it after we create the machine)
Today, etcd still recommends that the cluster be scaled up or down one member at a time. Moreover, there are known issues with running kubeadm join --control-plane in parallel.
In the future, we will likely be able to scale up in parallel by using etcd non-voting members (learners). Kubeadm is already exploring this idea.
In this description, he states that we would likely be able to scale up in parallel by using etcd non-voting members. Kubeadm has completed adding support for that requirement and we should look at returning to parallel scale up using this feature.