Releases: kubernetes-sigs/external-dns
New Provider:
New Source:
- #1084 Heptio Contour IngressRoute @jonasrmichel
List of changes:
- #1151 Fix flaky unit test in provider package @tariq1890
- #1148 Dockerfile: Update version of base images @tariq1890
- #1145 DigitalOcean: Update
to the latest stable version @tariq1890 - #1142 Fix build pipeline for Go v1.13 @linki
- #1129 AWS: Add Hosted Zone ID to logging output @helgi
- #1124 IstioGateway: Support namespaces on hostnames @dcherman
- #1123 AWS: Document
flag @dbluxo - #1121 Add Tutorial for DNSimple provider @marc-sensenich
- #1120 Update Go version and golangci-lint to the latest release @njuettner
- #1116 Allow compilation on 32bit machines @mylesagray
- #1103 AWS: Allow to force usage of CNAME over ALIAS @linki
- #1102 CoreDNS: add option to specify prefix name @xunpan
- #1094 Document where e2e tests are currently located @jaypipes
- #1092 Add initial KEP for ExternalDNS @Raffo
- #1091 Update Dockerfiles to follow best practices @taharah
- #1079 AWS: Add dualstack support with ALB ingress controllers @twilfong
- #1061 Allow handling of multiple Oracle Cloud (OCI) zones @suman-ganta
- #794 Namespace exposed metrics with the external_dns prefix @linki
Docker image is available in Zalando's Open Source Docker registry:
docker run --help
🎉 Thank you all for your contributions 🎉
New Provider:
- #1080 VinylDNS @dgrizzanti
List of changes:
- #1082 RFC2136: Fix when merging multiple targets @hachh
- #1059 Core: Fix for DomainFilter exclusions @cmattoon
- #1054 Core: Update aws-go-sdk to be compatible with kube-aws-iam-controller @mikkeloscar
- #1041 RFC2136: Log RR adds/deletes as Info @gclawes
- #1039 Docs: Cloudflare set ttl annotation for proxied entries to 1 @MiniJerome
- #1038 Core: Install ca-certificates @dryewo
- #1034 Cloudflare: Fix provider to return a single endpoint for each name/type @shasderias
- #1033 Core: Sanitize dockerfiles for external-dns @tariq1890
- #1032 Core: Add empty source @anandkumarpatel
- #1031 Google: Zones should be filter by their ID and Name @simonswine
- #1029 Core: Fix panic on empty targets for custom resources @arturo-c
- #1023 Core: Support externalTrafficPolicy annotation with "local" mode for NodePort service @yverbin
- #1018 Core: Add support for ExternalName services @mironov
Docker image is available in Zalando's Open Source Docker registry:
docker run -it --help
🎉 Thank you all for your contribution 🎉
New Provider:
- #1007 TransIP @skoef
- #963 NS1 @mburtless
List of changes:
- #1009 Docs: Update @pawelprazak
- #1006 Docs: Add docker image faq @Raffo
- #1004 DNSimple: Support apex records @jbowes
- #1002 NS1: Add --ns1-endpoint and --ns1-ignoressl flags @mburtless
- #1001 AWS: Cache the endpoints on the controller loop @fraenkel
- #991 Suppress noisy logs from Kubernetes @njuettner
- #989 Core: distroless/static image @jharshman
- #984 Core: Headless service missing DNS entry @yverbin
- #955 Core: Add Cloud Foundry routes as a source @dgrizzanti
Docker image is available in Zalando's Open Source Docker registry:
docker run -it --help
🎉 Thank you all for your contribution 🎉
List of changes 🐰🥚:
- #987 Azure: Support multiple A targets (#987) @michaelfig
- #985 Core: Fixing what seems an obvious omission of / dir in Dockerfile (#985) @llamahunter
- #978 Docs: GKE tutorial remove disable-addon argument (#978) @ggordan
- #977 Docs: Alibaba Cloud config file missing by enable sts token (#977) @xianlubird
- #976 Docs: Alibaba Cloud fix wrong arg in manifest (#976) @iamzhout
- #975 AWS: Set a default TTL for Alias records (#975) @fraenkel
- #970 Cloudflare: Add support for multiple target addresses (#970) @nta
- #968 AWS: Adding China ELB endpoints and hosted zone id's (#968) @jfillo
- #966 AWS: Streamline ApplyChanges (#966) @fraenkel
- #960 Core: Switch to go modules (#960) @njuettner
- #959 Docs: AWS how to check if your cluster has a RBAC (#959) @confiq
- #952 Docs: AWS remove superfluous trailing period from hostname (#952) @hobti01
- #951 Core: Add generic logic to remove secrets from logs (#951) @dsbrng25b
- #948 RFC2136: Remove unnecessary parameter (#948) @ChristianMoesl
- #945 Infoblox: Reduce verbosity of logs (#945) @dsbrng25b
Docker image is available in Zalando's Open Source Docker registry:
docker run -it --help
🎉 Thank you all for your contribution 🎉
New Provider:
List of changes:
- #942 Bumping istio to 1.1.0 @venezia
- #938 Docs: Added stability matrix and minor improvements to README @Raffo
- #935 Docs: Tiny clarification about two available deployment methods @przemolb
- #932 Set log level to debug when axfr is disabled @arief-hidayat
- #929 Docs: Dropping owners @njuettner
- #928 Docs: Added a reference to a blogpost which uses ExternalDNS in a CI/CD setup @vanhumbeecka
- #917 Use k8s informer cache instead of making active API GET requests @jlamillan
- #915 Docs: Clarify that hosted zone identifier is to be used @dirkgomez
- #913 Docs: Make dep step which may be needed to run make build @dirkgomez
- #911 Docs: Added description for multiple dns name @st1t
- #907 Add support for multiple Istio IngressGateway LoadBalancer Services @LorbusChris
- #899 RFC2136: Fixed typo in debug output @hpandeycodeit
- #895 Infoblox provider support for DNS view @dsbrng25b
- #827 PowerDNS: Fixed Domain Filter Bug @anandsinghkunwar
- #745 Allow hostname annotations to be ignored @anandkumarpatel
Docker image is available in Zalando's Open Source Docker registry:
docker run -it --help
🎉 Thank you all for your contribution 🎉
List of changes:
- #886 fix constant updating issue introduced with v0.5.10 (@jhohertz)
- #880 ignore evaluate target health for calculating changes for AWS
- #873 pagination for cloudflare zones (@njuettner)
Docker image is available in Zalando's Open Source Docker registry:
docker run -it --help
Please note: this release contains a performance regression that will be fixed soon. See more info in #869.
List of changes:
- #868 Docs: Improve documentation regarding Alias (@alexnederlof)
- #858 Adds a new flag
which allows overriding the number of retries (@viafoura) - #849 Docs: Make awscli commands use JSON output (@ifosch)
- #847 Docs: Add missing apiVersion to Ingress resource (@shlao)
- #844 Fix for AWS private DNS zone (@xianlubird)
- #843 Add support for AWS ELBs in eu-north-1 (@argoyle)
- #842 Create a SECURITY_CONTACTS file (@njuettner)
- #841 Use correct product name for Google Cloud DNS (@seils)
- #839 Change default AWSBatchChangeSize to 1000 (@medzin)
- #838 Fix dry-run mode in rfc2136 provider (@lachlancooper)
- #837 Fix typos in rfc2136 provider (@lachlancooper)
- #836 rfc2136 provider: one IP Target per RRSET (@ivanfilippov)
- #833 Normalize DNS names during planning (@justinsb)
- #832 Implement Stringer for planTableRow (@justinsb)
- #829 Docs: Better security granularity concerning external dns service principal (@DenisBiondic)
- #824 Docs: Update links in Cloudflare docs (@PascalKu)
- #822 Docs: Add metrics info to FAQ (@zachyam)
- #820 Docs: Update nameserver IPs in (@mozhuli)
- #818 Docs: Fix commands to cleanup Cloudflare (@acrogenesis)
- #810 Avoid unnecessary updating for CRD resource (@xunpan)
- #807 Fix issues with CoreDNS provider and more than 1 targets (@xunpan)
- #804 AWS: Add zone tag filter (@csrwng)
- #803 Docs: Update CoreDNS tutorial with RBAC manifest (@Lujeni)
- #799 Use SOAP API to improve DYN's provider's performance (@sanyu)
- #793 Expose managed resources and records as metrics (@linki)
- #788 Docs: Updating Azure tutorial (@pelithne)
- #785 Improve errors in Records() of Infoblox provider (@dsbrng25b)
- #774 Change default apiVersion of CRD Source (@dsbrng25b)
- #650 Allow setting Cloudflare proxying on a per-Ingress basis (@eswets)
- #645 Support A record for multiple IPs for headless services (@toshipp)
Docker image is available in Zalando's Open Source Docker registry:
docker run -it --help
🎉 Thank you all for your contribution 🎉
List of changes:
- #782 Core: Update delivery.yaml to new format @linki
- #778 Core: Adjust gometalinter timeout by setting env var @njuettner
- #776 Provider Google: Panic assignment to entry in nil map @njuettner
- #769 Docs: Fix typos @mooncak
- #768 Docs: Remove duplicated words @mooncak
- #767 Provider Alibaba: Alibaba Cloud Provider Fix Multiple Subdomains Bug @xianlubird
- #764 Core: Add Traefik to the supported list of ingress controllers @coderanger
- #760 Provider Dyn: Fix some typos in returned messages in dyn.go @AdamDang
- #756 Docs: Update Azure documentation @pascalgn
- #750 Docs: Oracle doc fix (add "key:" to secret) @CaptTofu
- #747 Core: Docker MAINTAINER is deprecated - using LABEL instead @helgi
- #742 Core: Feature add alias annotation @vaegt
- #741 Provider RFC2136: Setup fails issue and small docs @antlad
- #739 Core: Fix nil map access of endpoint labels @shashidharatd
- #737 Provider PowerDNS: Add DomainFilter support @ottoyiu
- #736 Core: Fix domain-filter matching logic to not match similar domain names @ottoyiu
- #727 Core: Matching entire string for wildcard in txt records with prefixes @etopeter
- #717 Provider Designate: Fix TLS issue with OpenStack auth @FestivalBobcats
- #697 Provider AWS: Add helper script to update route53 txt owner entries @efranford
- #686 Provider CoreDNS: Migrate to use etcd client v3 for CoreDNS provider @shashidharatd
- #684 Core: Create a non-root user to run the container process @coderanger
- #581 Core: Do not replace TXT records with A/CNAME records in planner @jchv
Docker image is available in Zalando's Open Source Docker registry:
docker run -it --help
🎉 Thank you all for your contribution 🎉
New Provider:
List of changes:
- #730 Add Linode to list of supported providers @cliedeman
- #724 Correctly populate target health check on existing records @linki
- #713 Don't erase Endpoint labels @sebastien-prudhomme
Docker image is available in Zalando's Open Source Docker registry:
docker run -it --help
🎉 Thank you all for your contribution 🎉
List of changes:
- #719 Pass all relevant CLI flags to AWS provider @linki
- #714 Replace glog with a noop logger @linki
- #704 Fix handling of custom TTL values with Google DNS. @kevinmdavis
- #701 Continue even if node listing fails @pascalgn
- #700 Fix Host field in HTTP request when using pdns provider @peterbale
- #699 Allow AWS batching to fully sync on each run @bartelsielski
Docker image is available in Zalando's Open Source Docker registry:
docker run -it --help
🎉 Thank you all for your contribution 🎉