What would you like to be added:
Conformance tests for BackendTLSPolicy. Comment below if you're interested in working on covering any of these areas.
Core Capabilities:
- Valid BackendTLSPolicy with 1 targetRef/service using CACertificateRef and matching hostname
- Invalid: hostname doesn't match the hostname in the certificate served by the backend
- Invalid BackendTLSPolicy performs no default forwarding
Valid BackendTLSPolicy with 1 targetRef/service using WellKnownCACertificates and matching hostname -
Invalid: targetRef in different namespace -
Invalid: both CACertificateRef and WellKnownCACertificates is specified -
Invalid: SNI hostname invalid - not RFC1123 (should be caught by validation) -
Invalid: Namespace (of targetRef) not set
Why this is needed:
This is needed in order for BackendTLSPolicy to graduate from v1alpha3 to v1.