What happened?
When I request GET /api/v1/pod?filterBy=creationTimestamp,2025-02-10T14:54:03Z, it fails and the api pod log shows:
2025/02/12 02:48:42 http: panic serving xxxx:xxx: interface conversion: dataselect.ComparableValue is dataselect.StdComparableString, not dataselect.StdComparableTime
goroutine 5112 [running]:
net/http/server.go:1947 +0xbe
panic({0x1f04360?, 0xc00130b410?})
runtime/panic.go:785 +0x132{0x0?, 0x0?, 0x381a080?}, {0x25620f0?, 0xc000ea9500?}) +0xb7*DataSelector).Filter(0xc0004b9b40) +0x20a{0xc001e94008?, 0xc0004ba6f8?, 0x0?}, 0x0?, 0x0?, {0x257c7a0, 0xc000352570}) +0xbd{0xc001f16000, 0xf2, 0x7fcda238c108?}, {0xc004c00000, 0x151b, 0x15eb}, {0x383eac0?, 0x7fcc5b462bc0?, 0x40?}, 0xc00309bae0, ...)
And I check the code and found that at modules/api/pkg/resource/dataselect/dataselectquery.go, it always transform the filterValue into dataselect.StdComparableString
func NewFilterQuery(filterByListRaw []string) *FilterQuery {
if filterByListRaw == nil || len(filterByListRaw)%2 == 1 {
return NoFilter
filterByList := []FilterBy{}
for i := 0; i+1 < len(filterByListRaw); i += 2 {
propertyName := filterByListRaw[i]
propertyValue := filterByListRaw[i+1]
filterBy := FilterBy{
Property: PropertyName(propertyName),
Value: StdComparableString(propertyValue),
// Add to the filter options.
filterByList = append(filterByList, filterBy)
return &FilterQuery{
FilterByList: filterByList,
And when I want to filterBy creationTimestamp, the filterBy Property is dataselect.StdComparableTime
(in modules/api/pkg/resource/pod/common.go)
func (self PodCell) GetProperty(name dataselect.PropertyName) dataselect.ComparableValue {
switch name {
case dataselect.NameProperty:
return dataselect.StdComparableString(self.ObjectMeta.Name)
case dataselect.StatusProperty:
return dataselect.StdComparableString(getPodStatus(v1.Pod(self)))
case dataselect.CreationTimestampProperty:
return dataselect.StdComparableTime(self.ObjectMeta.CreationTimestamp.Time)
case dataselect.NamespaceProperty:
return dataselect.StdComparableString(self.ObjectMeta.Namespace)
// if name is not supported then just return a constant dummy value, sort will have no effect.
return nil
As a consequnce, when the actual filter action perform, the code check StdComparableTime.Contains(StdComparableString)
(found in modules/api/pkg/resource/dataselect/dataselect.go)
func (self *DataSelector) Filter() *DataSelector {
filteredList := []DataCell{}
for _, c := range self.GenericDataList {
matches := true
for _, filterBy := range self.DataSelectQuery.FilterQuery.FilterByList {
v := c.GetProperty(filterBy.Property)
if v == nil || !v.Contains(filterBy.Value) {
matches = false
if matches {
filteredList = append(filteredList, c)
self.GenericDataList = filteredList
return self
And the error occurs since the StdComparableString
cannot be transfromed into StdComparableTime
, (modules/api/pkg/resource/dataselect/stdcomparabletypes.go)
func (self StdComparableTime) Compare(otherV ComparableValue) int {
other := otherV.(StdComparableTime)
return ints64Compare(time.Time(self).Unix(), time.Time(other).Unix())
What did you expect to happen?
can filterBy time related parameters, like creationTimestamp, firstSeen, etc..
If the StdComparableString can not transform into StdComparableTime, I think we should transform the filterBy value
into different StdComparableXXX according to the filterBy key
. Actually, I don't see any usage about StdComparableInt, StdComparableRFC3339Timestamp and StdComparableTime.
BTW, How can I pass in the time related value as the filerBy valule
in my request. I just copied the creationTimestamp in the objectMeta.creationTimestamp.
How can we reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible)?
Try GET /api/v1/pod?filterBy=creationTimestamp,2025-02-10T14:54:03Z.
Anything else we need to know?
I'd like to work on this issue and submit a pull request if needed.
if there is a need for submitting a pr, are there any specific implementation details I should be aware of?
What browsers are you seeing the problem on?
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Kubernetes Dashboard version
api images: dashboard-api:1.10.1
Kubernetes version
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"24", GitVersion:"v1.24.4", GitCommit:"95ee5ab382d64cfe6c28967f36b53970b8374491", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2022-08-17T18:54:23Z", GoVersion:"go1.18.5", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"} Kustomize Version: v4.5.4 Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"24", GitVersion:"v1.24.4", GitCommit:"95ee5ab382d64cfe6c28967f36b53970b8374491", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2022-08-17T18:47:37Z", GoVersion:"go1.18.5", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
Dev environment
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