What happened?
Kubernetes dashboard 7.10.4
Servicemonitor by default checks port name https and cannot be changed via values.yaml
Port name https by default belongs to service kubernetes-dashboard-metrics-scraper which doesnt return any metrics and that is problem for prometheus.
Test commands for returned values from each service
curl -I kubernetes-dashboard-api:8000/metrics
curl -I kubernetes-dashboard-auth:8000/metrics
curl -I kubernetes-dashboard-kong-proxy:80/metrics
curl -I kubernetes-dashboard-metrics-scraper:8000/metrics
curl -I kubernetes-dashboard-web:8000/metrics
What did you expect to happen?
Servicemonitor port to be scraped should be configurable or by default should be either name: kong-proxy or name: auth
In this case it will return metrics and prometheus will be "happy"
How can we reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible)?
1st step
Install helm chart with values.yaml edited
# Whether to create a Prometheus Operator service monitor.
enabled: true
2nd step:
Prometheus application -> Target health
Result: Error scraping target: strconv.ParseFloat: parsing "/metrics": invalid syntax while parsing: "URL: /metrics"
Anything else we need to know?
No response
What browsers are you seeing the problem on?
No response
Kubernetes Dashboard version
Kubernetes version
Dev environment
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