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Infra-Commit testgrid column missing for pod-utils jobs #20650




What happened:
Compare (pod-utils) to (bootstrap)

The lowest column (Infra-Commit) for the pod-utils job has the value missing for all runs, whereas the bootstrap job has the sha of test-infra code being exercised.

What you expected to happen:
If the pod-utils job is missing the test-infra sha because it's not relevant (e.g. no test-infra code is exercised as part of the job, it wouldn't be helpful for troubleshooting), then the Infra-Commit column probably shouldn't exist for this job.

If the pod-utils job is exercising test-infra code, then it should be populating the data that eventually ends up in the Infra-Commit column

How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible): see above

Please provide links to example occurrences, if any: see above

Anything else we need to know?:
The Infra-Commit should-always-exist assumption needs to be removed. It's not clear to me where that exists, but this could involve fixes in

  • testgrid updater (not in this repo)
  • testgrid configurator

And if there's a need to update data produced by pod-utils, could involve fixes in

  • kubetest
  • kubetest2 (not in this repo)
  • prow's pod-utils

/area kubetest
/area testgrid
/area prow/pod-utilities
/priority important-longterm




No one assigned


    area/kubetestarea/prow/pod-utilitiesIssues or PRs related to prow's pod-utilities componentarea/testgridkind/bugCategorizes issue or PR as related to a bug.lifecycle/frozenIndicates that an issue or PR should not be auto-closed due to staleness.priority/important-longtermImportant over the long term, but may not be staffed and/or may need multiple releases to complete.sig/testingCategorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Testing.


    No type


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    No milestone


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