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OneWire Support for DS18B20 temp sensor #60




Working on a firmata implementation that would run on RP2040 wireless for an agriculture sensor project. Wrote a couple of i2c device support using firmata4j and everything works as expected.

Now need to add OneWire support to the Java client to take advantage of the low cost DS18B20 boards that are OneWire with temp probe for $3.

Initially only found a PHP and JavaScript client package that had OneWire support. Then found JonnyFive so should be doable.

Wanted to see if there was any reason Firmataj does not support OneWire as a client in that minimum worth adding for the low-cost DS18B20 temp sensor.

If the reason wasn't on the ask list wanted to get your take that it is easy to implement or it won't work for reason X, Y and Z. Assuming that if it will work in Node.js via Johnny-five then it should be portable to any programming language as a client.

In looking at the initial code can dig my way down to the message sending/reply framework and see that the Pin option as a notion of OneWire as a type. Didn't see where allocating the pin as OneWire sends that configuration to firmata client.

Also working on getting the Arducam camera working on RP2040 which uses SPI to grab still images as needed. Thoughts on the ability to extend firmata to handle larger data streams of a JPEG image?




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