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This repository contains a Stock Market Aggregator script built with Go

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📈 Stock Market Aggregator

This repository contains a Stock Market Aggregator CLI program built with Go.

🧑‍💻 About the Project

The project is designed to collect stock market data from free APIs (MarketStack, FMPCloud, and FinHub) and aggregate the data to show the average price of stocks, given a user inputs a stock ticker into a prompt.

🎯 Project Goal

The main goal of this project is to implement Go-native concurrency patterns and apply them in a real-world scenario of fetching and processing stock data.

Testing goal is to keep testing coverage above 80%.

📷 Screen Capture

Stock Price Aggregator CLI program screenshot

📋 Project Breakdown

Main Program initializes the application, sets up logging, and controls the flow between data fetching and aggregation.

  • Loads environment variables (using the godotenv package).
  • Initializes logging for information and error messages.
  • Creates instances of the Fetcher and Aggregator modules.
  • Fetches stock data by calling the Fetcher's Fetch function.
  • Passes the fetched data to the Aggregator to aggregate the stock prices.

Data Fetching retrieves stock data from free stock market APIs, concurrently.

  • Fetches stock data using multiple free APIs (such as FMP Cloud).
  • Each URL request is handled concurrently using Go's goroutines, ensuring efficient data fetching.
  • Errors are logged if there are any issues with the API requests.
  • The Fetch method of the Fetcher returns the raw data for further processing.

Data Aggregation aggregates the fetched stock data.

  • Receives the fetched stock data from the Fetcher.
  • For now, the method only logs that aggregation is attempted (to be expanded in future development).

Utility functions

  • Converting a slice of interfaces into a slice of maps
  • Rounding a float64 to two decimals
  • Pretty printing a JSON object to improve readabilty

🧪 Testing

Built-in testing library is used for unit and integration tests. Current coverage: 85.9% of statements of fetcher package.

😃 Code Snippets I am excited about

RequesterParser struct allows for modularity and easy testing

Fetcher and RequesterParser structs

Owner-consumer pattern in fetch function for improved modularity

Owner-consumer pattern in fetch function

For-select pattern for receiving channel values

For-select pattern for receiving channel values

Dynamic routing of values to the respective slices

Dynamic routing of values to the respective slices


This repository contains a Stock Market Aggregator script built with Go







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