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GenerateContentRequest.contents[3].parts: must not be empty. #30408




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  • This is a bug, not a usage question. For questions, please use GitHub Discussions.
  • I added a clear and detailed title that summarizes the issue.
  • I read what a minimal reproducible example is (
  • I included a self-contained, minimal example that demonstrates the issue INCLUDING all the relevant imports. The code run AS IS to reproduce the issue.

Example Code

import asyncio
import nest_asyncio

nest_asyncio.apply()  # Allows nested event loops

async def test(user_input):
    # Simulate asynchronous streaming of events
    async for event in graph.astream(
        {"messages": [("user", user_input)]},
        config={"configurable": {"thread_id": 42}},

async def main():
    while True:
            user_input = input("User: ")
            if user_input.lower() in ["quit", "exit", "q"]:

            # Call the async function using `await`
            await test(user_input)
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Error: {str(e)}")
            # Fallback behavior
            user_input = "What do you know about LangGraph?"
            print("User: " + user_input)

# Run the main coroutine
await main()

Error Message and Stack Trace (if applicable)

Error: Invalid argument provided to Gemini: 400 * GenerateContentRequest.contents[3].parts: must not be empty.


LangGraph (1).pdf

System Info

Package Version

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