All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning and this changelog format.
- Package now supports Laravel 12.
- Remove deprecation notices in PHP 8.4.
- Package is now licensed under the MIT license.
- BREAKING Package now requires Laravel 11.
- Minimum PHP version is now
- Upgrade to Laravel 10 and set minimum PHP version to 8.1.
- BREAKING: The schema's id field must now always be provided to the
method and/or constructor. I.e. useCursorPagination::make($this->id())
- The cursor pagination implementation now supports id fields that are encoded. To use, pass your schema's id
field to the cursor pagination class when returning it from the schema's
method. For example:
public function pagination(): CursorPagination
return CursorPagination::make($this->id());
- Package now supports Laravel 9.
- Package now supports PHP 8.1.
- Upgraded to v2 of the
- Added return types to internal methods to remove deprecation messages in PHP 8.1.
Initial release. This brought in the code from laravel-json-api/eloquent:1.0.0-beta.6
, with the only changes being new