Describe the bug
I am running an ld-relay
service from the ld-relay prebuilt docker image. When I start up the service with my SDK key configured via env, the service works fine, but when I point it towards a redis sentinel host, I get a the Timeout encountered waiting for LaunchDarkly client initialization
warning in the docker logs.
I am able to set key values into sentinel via the Predis php client. I am unsure why the redis sentinel affects the connection to launch darkly
To reproduce
- Start the ld-relay docker image (v6) with environment variables defined for:
- Tail the docker logs
Expected behavior
LD-relay should successfully connect to sentinel and set the environment's feature flag keys.
2020/11/30 21:27:18.424679 INFO: Starting LaunchDarkly relay version 6.1.0 with configuration from environment variables
2020/11/30 21:27:18.424962 INFO: Using Redis feature store: rediss://REDACTED_HOST:REDACTED_PORT with prefix:
2020/11/30 21:27:18.426017 INFO: [env: ...1387] Starting LaunchDarkly client 5.0.2
2020/11/30 21:27:18.426028 INFO: RedisDataStore: Using URL: rediss://REDACTED_HOST:REDACTED_PORT
2020/11/30 21:27:18.426283 INFO: [env: ...1387] Starting LaunchDarkly streaming connection
2020/11/30 21:27:18.426296 INFO: [env: ...1387] Waiting up to 10000 milliseconds for LaunchDarkly client to start...
2020/11/30 21:27:18.426314 INFO: [env: ...1387] Connecting to LaunchDarkly stream
2020/11/30 21:27:18.427054 DEBUG: [env: ...1387] Sending diagnostic event: {"kind":"diagnostic-init","id":{"diagnosticId":"67c9d367-e916-409d-a7b8-ada0928a2fed","sdkKeySuffix":"**"},"creationDate":1606771638426,"sdk":{"name":"go-server-sdk","version":"5.0.2"},"configuration":{"startWaitMillis":10000,"connectTimeoutMillis":3000,"customBaseURI":false,"diagnosticRecordingIntervalMillis":900000,"usingRelayDaemon":false,"userKeysFlushIntervalMillis":300000,"customEventsURI":false,"socketTimeoutMillis":3000,"eventsCapacity":10000,"eventsFlushIntervalMillis":5000,"allAttributesPrivate":false,"usingProxy":false,"streamingDisabled":false,"customStreamURI":false,"reconnectTimeMillis":1000,"dataStoreType":"custom","inlineUsersInEvents":false,"userKeysCapacity":1000},"platform":{"name":"Go","goVersion":"go1.15.2","osName":"Linux","osArch":"amd64"}}
2020/11/30 21:27:18.427154 INFO: Starting server listening on port 8030
2020/11/30 21:27:19.154240 DEBUG: [env: ...1387] Received all feature flags
2020/11/30 21:27:28.465941 WARN: [env: ...1387] Timeout encountered waiting for LaunchDarkly client initialization
2020/11/30 21:27:28.469060 ERROR: Error initializing LaunchDarkly client for "REDACTED": timeout encountered waiting for LaunchDarkly client initialization