Releases: lay295/TwitchDownloader
Releases · lay295/TwitchDownloader
The CLI argument --silent
has been deprecated and replaced with --log-level None
. Any tools that relied on the use of the silent mode, please switch to log levels.
What's Changed
- Automatically mark empty directories for deletion 74f69f8
- Fix M3U8.ToString() being culture dependent by @ScrubN in #996
- Support
keywords in CLI video downloader by @ScrubN in #998 - Fix chapters not properly reacting to video cropping by @ScrubN in #1000
- Fix incorrect video finalization percentages caused by bad math by @ScrubN in #1004
- Several URL list fixes by @ScrubN in #1007
- Fix chat download fail due to null
by @ScrubN in #1011 - Outline sub/highlight icons by @ScrubN in #1012
- Catch exceptions when fetching images from third party emote providers by @ScrubN in #1014
- Update Spanish by @Deci8BelioS in #1015
- Do not blindly assume non-system emojis always decode successfully by @ScrubN in #1018
- New progress reporting system by @ScrubN in #1010
- Fix WPF styling by @ScrubN in #1020
- Fix the last chapter of VODs of currently-airing streams missing a duration value by @ScrubN in #1023
- Properly support log levels by @ScrubN in #1019
Full Changelog: 1.54.1...1.54.2
What's Changed
- Account for different response from Twitch when fetching sub-only vod info without permissions in f3cab4a
- Improve handling of some source quality related edge cases by @ScrubN in #953
- Italian language implementation by @viduxsh in #954
- Add preferred quality selector to the mass downloaders by @ScrubN in #955
- Update by @SKZGx in #957
- Better legacy chat support by @ScrubN in 90fd32f, #960, cd104d0
- Prompt user for old cache deletion by @ScrubN in #963
- Fix badges and bits not obeying custom scaling when the font size is set to 24 by @ScrubN in #975
- Add Brazilian Portuguese Language by @Wh1t3st4r in #972
- Add CLI mode to manually concatenate ts parts by @superbonaci in #888
- Fix some false positive antivirus results
New Contributors
- @viduxsh made their first contribution in #954
- @Wh1t3st4r made their first contribution in #972
- @superbonaci made their first contribution in #888
Full Changelog: 1.54.0...1.54.1
What's Changed
- Fix VOD downloading due to Twitch API change
- Fix VODs not downloading from VOD or URL mass downloader
Full Changelog: 1.53.7...1.53.9
What's Changed
- Fix the TwitchDownloaderWPF taskbar icon flashing indefinitely if the app was started in the background 4fabe2f
- Update (Ukrainian localization) by @SKZGx in #910
- Support handling alternate sub-only video error code 1d91a9e
- Don't allow usernames to have leading or trailing whitespace dd5557d
- Correctly render charity donation messages by @ScrubN in #916
- Add experimental Macos arm64 binary by @ScrubN in #901
- Backport some improvements from branch 'kick-support' by @ScrubN in #915
- Fix rare video/chat download crash due to VOD chapter response containing a null object by @ScrubN in #918
- Fix a potential issue with restoring default settings
- Emit debug symbols alongside CI builds and embedded within release builds by @ScrubN in #919
- M3U8 improvements by @ScrubN in #917
- Reduce allocations when writing plaintext relative chats less than 24 hours long by @ScrubN in #921
- Support an additional VOD url variation b950730
- Fix bad clip metadata file path by @ScrubN in #922
- Fix NullReferenceException when updating chats without games by @ScrubN in #925
- Fix clip downloader sometimes getting stuck when encoding metadata by @ScrubN in #926
- Add right-click menu to task queue by @ScrubN in #927
Full Changelog: 1.53.6...1.53.7
What's Changed
- Bump nuget packages by @ScrubN in #897
- Hotfix clip qualities again by @ScrubN in #900
- Fix issues with filename templates by @ScrubN in #898
- Make all windows start in the center of the screen or their parent window by @ScrubN in #903
- Fix ChatUpdater being able to update embeds when saving as a plain text file
- Fix lockup when downloading clips with metadata by @ScrubN in #907
- A few minor changes by @ScrubN in #904
- Add Save/Cancel/Reset buttons to settings window by @ScrubN in #902
Full Changelog: 1.53.5...1.53.6
What's Changed
- Fix old chats with stringified streamer ids being undeserializable by @ScrubN in #843
- Fix chats enqueued by the mass downloaders incorrectly always having .json file extension
- Fixed an extremely rare crash when triple-clicking a text box
- minor translation additions by @Teknoist in #853
- Support highlighting new bit badge notifications by @ScrubN in #869
- Add Ukrainian Translation by @SKZGx in #870
- Fix chat jsons and mp4 metadata lacking any chapters for VODs with 1 chapter and clips by @ScrubN in #875
- Add context menu to video/clip search mass downloaders by @ScrubN in #876
- Deserialize chat json files without relying on the file extension by @ScrubN in #858
- Many chat updater fixes by @ScrubN in #859
- Fix a crash caused by antivirus blocking the live windows app theme watcher from watching the registry
- Prerequisites for CLI filename template support by @ScrubN in #886
- Add unit tests by @ScrubN in #887
- Add support for correctly rendering watch streak messages by @ScrubN in #890
- Support downloading VODs as audio only by @ScrubN in #894
- Fix being unable to download clips due to a Twitch API change returning non-integer framerates.
New Contributors
- @SKZGx made their first contribution in #870
Full Changelog: 1.53.4...1.53.5
- Updated Spanish translation, added Spanish README by @Deci8BelioS in #842
- Fix a problem with VOD metadata that would cause a crash nearly every video/chat download
- Updated Spanish translation, added Spanish README by @Deci8BelioS in #780
- Clip download progress by @ScrubN in #782
- Remove triple click from URL mass downloader text box by @ScrubN in #783
- Triple click template problem by @Stelminator in #786
- Account for alternate video highlight url format by @ScrubN in #788
- Remove working directory override in CLI by @ScrubN in #793
- Fix WPF crash due to system theme watcher related COMExceptions by @ScrubN in #796
- Do not render sub/highlight backgrounds in transparent renders by @ScrubN in #799
- WPF Chat Updater Fatal Error Fixes by @ScrubN in #803
- Videodownload 99% stop fix by @ScrubN in #792
- Spelling fixes by @davis-matthew in #814
- Add support for dark title bars on Windows 10 1809-2004 by @ScrubN in #815
- Fix incorrect message.bits_spent for chats between v5 shutdown and 1.51.2 by @ScrubN in #817
- Include VOD description in video metadata if present by @ScrubN in #822
- Fix some theme related crashes by @ScrubN in #831
- Nuget upgrade by @ScrubN in #804
- Quality of life GUI improvements by @ScrubN in #833
- Add videos per page selector to mass downloaders by @ScrubN in #837
- Update by @Teknoist in #836
- update spanish translation by @Deci8BelioS in #801
- Better FFmpeg download progress reporting by @ScrubN in #840
New Contributors
- @Stelminator made their first contribution in #786
- @davis-matthew made their first contribution in #814
Full Changelog: 1.53.2...1.53.4
What's Changed
- Fix potential for action overlap when pressing enter to search
- Fix ManagementException on old windows versions
- Fix FileNotFoundException on MacOS
Full Changelog: 1.53.1...1.53.2
What's Changed
- Task queue remove button by @ScrubN in #735
- Add support for animated FFZ emotes by @ScrubN in #742
- fix: typo in cli docs by @SputNikPlop in #745
- Upgrade nuget packages by @ScrubN in #740
- Alternating message background colors by @ScrubN in #744
- Fix incorrectly rendered text outlines for RTL characters by @ScrubN in #748
- Update by @Teknoist in #751
- Add support to milliseconds information in timestamp by @jmSfernandes in #758
- Videodownload patch by @ScrubN in #756
- Improve memory performance for txt chat download by @jmSfernandes in #757
- Add the ability to triple click text boxes to select a whole line by @ScrubN in #765
- Memory and rendering improvements by @ScrubN in #752
- Raid message highlighting by @ScrubN in #766
- Allow pressing the enter key to search for vods/clips/channels by @ScrubN in #767
- Copyright clarification by @ScrubN in #768
- Better dispersion by @ScrubN in #769
- Print a log message if there may not be enough space to download/finalize a VOD by @ScrubN in #770
- Add progress reporting to CLI FFmpeg downloader by @ScrubN in #771
- Add Spanish Translations by @Deci8BelioS in #773
- More video info by @ScrubN in #774
- Add the option to encode video metadata into clips by @ScrubN in #775
New Contributors
- @SputNikPlop made their first contribution in #745
- @jmSfernandes made their first contribution in #758
- @Deci8BelioS made their first contribution in #773
Full Changelog: 1.53.0...1.53.1