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Merge pull request #3 from lazarusA/more_examples
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lazarusA authored Jan 21, 2024
2 parents 57de892 + a88eb01 commit 811e061
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Showing 137 changed files with 9,497 additions and 6,029 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .github/workflows/Deploy.yml
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Expand Up @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ jobs:
node-version: 18
cache: npm # or pnpm / yarn
cache-dependency-path: 'package.json' # this should be a package-lock.json file
cache-dependency-path: 'package-lock.json' # this should be a package-lock.json file
- name: Setup Pages
uses: actions/configure-pages@v3
- name: Install dependencies
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions docs/.vitepress/config.mts
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Expand Up @@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ export default defineConfig({
{ text: 'line_type', link: '/examples/2d/lines/line_type' },
{ text: 'line_types', link: '/examples/2d/lines/line_types' },
{ text: 'line_cb', link: '/examples/2d/lines/line_cb' },
{ text: 'log scales', link: '/examples/2d/lines/log_scales' },
{ text: 'dates', link: '/examples/2d/lines/dates' },
{ text: 'dates_break2_axis', link: '/examples/2d/lines/dates_break2_axis' },
{ text: 'dates_break3_axis', link: '/examples/2d/lines/dates_break3_axis' }
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34 changes: 20 additions & 14 deletions docs/examples/2d/contours/
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using Gnuplot, Random
x = y = -15:0.33:15
fz(x,y) = sin.(sqrt.(x.^2 + y.^2))./sqrt.(x.^2+y.^2)
fxy = [fz(x,y) for x in x, y in y]
@gsp x y fxy "w l lc palette" "set view map"
@gsp :- "set contour base;set key off" "set auto fix"
@gsp :- "set cntrparam levels 15" "unset surface"
@gsp :- xlab = "x" ylab = "y"
using Gnuplot
push!( Gnuplot.options.init, linetypes(:Set1_5, lw=1.5, ps=1.5))
function saveas(file; sx=550, sy=350, fs=0.8, term="svg")"$(term) size $(sx),$(sy) fontscale $(fs)", "$(file).svg")

<a id='Contour-plot'></a>

## Contour plot

x = y = -15:0.33:15
fz(x,y) = sin.(sqrt.(x.^2 + y.^2))./sqrt.(x.^2+y.^2)
fxy = [fz(x,y) for x in x, y in y]
@gsp x y fxy "w l lc palette" "set view map"
@gsp :- "set contour base;set key off" "set auto fix"
@gsp :- "set cntrparam levels 15" "unset surface"
@gsp :- xlab = "x" ylab = "y"


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39 changes: 23 additions & 16 deletions docs/examples/2d/contours/
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using Gnuplot, Random
x = -1:0.05:1
y = -1.5:0.05:2
egg(x,y) = x^2 + y^2/(1.4 + y/5)^2
segg = [egg(x,y) for x in x, y in y]
@gsp x y segg "w l lc palette" palette(:thermal; rev= true) "set view map"
@gsp :- "set contour base;set key off" "set auto fix"
@gsp :- "set cntrparam levels incremental 0,0.01,1" "unset surface"
@gsp :- xrange = (-1.2,1.2) yrange = (-1.5,2) cbrange =(0,1)
@gsp :- xlab = "x" ylab = "y" "set size ratio -1"
using Gnuplot
push!( Gnuplot.options.init, linetypes(:Set1_5, lw=1.5, ps=1.5))
function saveas(file; sx=550, sy=350, fs=0.8, term="svg")"$(term) size $(sx),$(sy) fontscale $(fs)", "$(file).svg")

<a id='Contour-plot:-egg-shape'></a>

## Contour plot: egg shape

x = -1:0.05:1
y = -1.5:0.05:2
egg(x,y) = x^2 + y^2/(1.4 + y/5)^2
segg = [egg(x,y) for x in x, y in y]
@gsp x y segg "w l lc palette" palette(:thermal; rev= true) "set view map"
@gsp :- "set contour base;set key off" "set auto fix"
@gsp :- "set cntrparam levels incremental 0,0.01,1" "unset surface"
@gsp :- xrange = (-1.2,1.2) yrange = (-1.5,2) cbrange =(0,1)
@gsp :- xlab = "x" ylab = "y" "set size ratio -1"


24 changes: 16 additions & 8 deletions docs/examples/2d/filledcu/
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using Gnuplot
x = LinRange(-10,10,200)
@gp x sin.(x) sin.(x) .+ 1 "with filledcu lc '#56B4E9' fs transparent solid 0.3"
@gp :- x cos.(x) 1 .+ cos.(x) "with filledcu lc 'red' fs transparent solid 0.5"
push!( Gnuplot.options.init, linetypes(:Set1_5, lw=1.5, ps=1.5))
function saveas(file; sx=550, sy=350, fs=0.8, term="svg")"$(term) size $(sx),$(sy) fontscale $(fs)", "$(file).svg")

<a id='Filled-Between-curves'></a>

## Filled Between curves

x = LinRange(-10,10,200)
@gp x sin.(x) sin.(x) .+ 1 "with filledcu lc '#56B4E9' fs transparent solid 0.3"
@gp :- x cos.(x) 1 .+ cos.(x) "with filledcu lc 'red' fs transparent solid 0.5"


32 changes: 20 additions & 12 deletions docs/examples/2d/filledcu/
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using Gnuplot
x = LinRange(-10,10,200)
fg(x,μ,σ) = exp.(.-(x.-μ).^2 ./(2σ^2))./*√(2π))
@gp x fg(x, 0.25, 1.5) "w filledcurves lc '#E69F00' t '0.25,1.5'"
@gp :- "set style fill transparent solid 0.5 noborder"
@gp :- "set key title 'μ,σ' box 3" xlab = "x" ylab = "P(x)"
@gp :- x fg(x, 2, 1) "w filledcu lc rgb '#56B4E9' t '2,1' fs transparent solid 0.25"
@gp :- x fg(x, -1, 2) "w filledcu lc '#009E73' t '-1,2' fs transparent solid 0.1"
push!( Gnuplot.options.init, linetypes(:Set1_5, lw=1.5, ps=1.5))
function saveas(file; sx=550, sy=350, fs=0.8, term="svg")"$(term) size $(sx),$(sy) fontscale $(fs)", "$(file).svg")

<a id='Filled-curves'></a>

## Filled curves

x = LinRange(-10,10,200)
fg(x,μ,σ) = exp.(.-(x.-μ).^2 ./(2σ^2))./*√(2π))
@gp x fg(x, 0.25, 1.5) "w filledcurves lc '#E69F00' t '0.25,1.5'"
@gp :- "set style fill transparent solid 0.5 noborder"
@gp :- "set key title 'μ,σ' box 3" xlab = "x" ylab = "P(x)"
@gp :- x fg(x, 2, 1) "w filledcu lc rgb '#56B4E9' t '2,1' fs transparent solid 0.25"
@gp :- x fg(x, -1, 2) "w filledcu lc '#009E73' t '-1,2' fs transparent solid 0.1"


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82 changes: 45 additions & 37 deletions docs/examples/2d/filledcu/
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using Gnuplot
x = 0:0.3:4
a = exp.(- x)
b = exp.(- x.^2)
# theme
function gp_theme(bgcolor = "#212946"; borderc ="white",
ticsc = "white", ylabc = "white", gridst = 4,
xlabc = "white", gridc = "#2A3459", labc = "white")
bgcp1 = "set object rectangle from screen 0,0 to screen 1,1"
bgcp2 = " behind fc '$(bgcolor)' fs solid noborder"
bgcolor = bgcp1*bgcp2
@gp :- "set border lw 1 lc '$(borderc)'"
@gp :- "set tics textcolor rgb '$(ticsc)'"
@gp :- bgcolor
@gp :- "set ylabel 'y' textcolor '$(ylabc)'"
@gp :- "set xlabel 'x' textcolor '$(xlabc)'"
@gp :- "set grid ls 1 lc '$(gridc)' dt $(gridst)"
@gp :- "set key t r textcolor '$(labc)'"

# plot
@gp x a "w linespoints lw 1 lc '#08F7FE' pt 7 t 'e^{-x}'"
@gp :- x b "w linespoints lw 1 lc '#FFE64D' pt 7 t 'e^{-x^2}'"
# glow effect
for i in 1:10
@gp :- x a "w l lw $(1 + 1.05*i) lc '#F508F7FE' t ''"
@gp :- x b "w l lw $(1 + 1.05*i) lc '#F5FFE64D' t ''" :-
# fill between
@gp(:-,x, a, "w filledcu y=0 lw 1 lc '#08F7FE' t ''",
"set style fill transparent solid 0.08 noborder")
@gp(:-, x, a, b, "w filledcu lw 1 lc '#FFE64D' t ''")
push!( Gnuplot.options.init, linetypes(:Set1_5, lw=1.5, ps=1.5))
function saveas(file; sx=550, sy=350, fs=0.8, term="svg")"$(term) size $(sx),$(sy) fontscale $(fs)", "$(file).svg")

<a id='Filled-Between-curves:-glow-effect'></a>

## Filled Between curves: glow effect

x = 0:0.3:4
a = exp.(- x)
b = exp.(- x.^2)
# theme
function gp_theme(bgcolor = "#212946"; borderc ="white",
ticsc = "white", ylabc = "white", gridst = 4,
xlabc = "white", gridc = "#2A3459", labc = "white")
bgcp1 = "set object rectangle from screen 0,0 to screen 1,1"
bgcp2 = " behind fc '$(bgcolor)' fs solid noborder"
bgcolor = bgcp1*bgcp2
@gp :- "set border lw 1 lc '$(borderc)'"
@gp :- "set tics textcolor rgb '$(ticsc)'"
@gp :- bgcolor
@gp :- "set ylabel 'y' textcolor '$(ylabc)'"
@gp :- "set xlabel 'x' textcolor '$(xlabc)'"
@gp :- "set grid ls 1 lc '$(gridc)' dt $(gridst)"
@gp :- "set key t r textcolor '$(labc)'"

# plot
@gp x a "w linespoints lw 1 lc '#08F7FE' pt 7 t 'e^{-x}'"
@gp :- x b "w linespoints lw 1 lc '#FFE64D' pt 7 t 'e^{-x^2}'"
# glow effect
for i in 1:10
@gp :- x a "w l lw $(1 + 1.05*i) lc '#F508F7FE' t ''"
@gp :- x b "w l lw $(1 + 1.05*i) lc '#F5FFE64D' t ''" :-
# fill between
@gp(:-,x, a, "w filledcu y=0 lw 1 lc '#08F7FE' t ''",
"set style fill transparent solid 0.08 noborder")
@gp(:-, x, a, b, "w filledcu lw 1 lc '#FFE64D' t ''")


19 changes: 17 additions & 2 deletions docs/examples/2d/heatmaps/
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@@ -1,6 +1,21 @@

using Gnuplot
push!( Gnuplot.options.init, linetypes(:Set1_5, lw=1.5, ps=1.5))
function saveas(file; sx=550, sy=350, fs=0.8, term="svg")"$(term) size $(sx),$(sy) fontscale $(fs)", "$(file).svg")

<a id='image-plot'></a>

## image plot

using Gnuplot, Random
Expand All @@ -10,9 +25,9 @@ matrix = randn(50,60)



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36 changes: 23 additions & 13 deletions docs/examples/2d/heatmaps/
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using Gnuplot, Random
test = rand(50,50)
@gp "set auto fix" "set size square" :-
@gp :- test "w image pixels notit" """set cblabel "CBTitle \\n (my unit)" """ :-
@gp :- "set cblabel offset -6.5, 10 font ',8' textcolor lt 3 rotate by 0" :-
@gp :- palette(:plasma) :-
@gp :- "set tmargin at screen 0.80"
using Gnuplot
push!( Gnuplot.options.init, linetypes(:Set1_5, lw=1.5, ps=1.5))
function saveas(file; sx=550, sy=350, fs=0.8, term="svg")"$(term) size $(sx),$(sy) fontscale $(fs)", "$(file).svg")

<a id='Heatmap:-colorbar'></a>

## Heatmap: colorbar

using Random

test = rand(50,50)
@gp "set auto fix" "set size square" :-
@gp :- test "w image pixels notit" """set cblabel "CBTitle \\n (my unit)" """ :-
@gp :- "set cblabel offset -6.5, 10 font ',8' textcolor lt 3 rotate by 0" :-
@gp :- palette(:plasma) :-
@gp :- "set tmargin at screen 0.80"



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